Is it possible store a few functions in an array by reference or by anonymous function?
For example:
$array = [fun1, function(){ /*do something*/ }, fun3];
where fun1 and fun3 are defined as
function fun1(){/*do something*/}
As long as your PHP version is >= 5.3
you'll be able to harness anonymous functions and regular functions in your array:
function yourFunction($string){
echo $string . " : by reference";
$array = array(
'a' => function($string){
echo $string;
'b' => 'yourFunction',
You can use the call_user_func or call_user_func_array functions.
call_user_func($array['a'], 'I love things');
call_user_func($array['b'], 'I love things');
Or As @Andrew stated in the comments too, you could call it as the following:
$array['a']('I love things');
$array['b']('I love things');
If you'd like to read more about these callback methods, it's filed under the callback pseudo-type documentation on PHP.net and it is well worth a read!
Yes, you can do that, however you can't store the function as literal, but instead you have to refer to it by its name:
$array = ['fun1', function () { /*do something*/ }, 'fun3'];
foreach ($array as $fun) {
Note that because it's by name, you'll have to use the fully qualified name should your function happen to be in a namespace; e.g. 'foo\bar\baz'
Here is an example, with anonymous function and by reference
$test = array();
$test['testFunction'] = function($message) {
echo $message;
function show_msg($message) {
echo $message;
$test['testFunction2'] = 'show_msg';
call_user_func($test['testFunction'], 'Hi!');
call_user_func($test['testFunction2'], 'Hello world!');