How to create change set for CloudFormation Template with Transform AWS::CodeDeployBlueGreen

左心房为你撑大大i 提交于 2021-02-11 10:00:56


CloudFormation is failing to create a change set with status reason Template parameters modified by transform. This appears to be in reference to the AWS::CodeDeployBlueGreen transform applied to my template:

AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09'
Description: Stack
  - 'AWS::CodeDeployBlueGreen'


This template contains all the resources required to run my application, including an ECS service with a task set which uses Blue/Green deployment when the Task Definition it references is updated, as per these docs. It is my understanding that I want and need to use a change set to update the Task Definition which will then trigger the Blue/Green deployment. However, I can't seem to create the change set in the first place.

Additionally, my template doesn't have any input parameters.

The template is being pulled from S3, after it was zipped and uploaded to the bucket. That template worked just fine for creating the stack, but now that the stack is stable I want to be amending it, not tearing it down and putting a new one up.

