How to transfer Realm database to appgroups

浪尽此生 提交于 2021-02-11 08:27:28


Hey I have an app that uses Real to persist data. I used the default realm file directory to store the apps data but I would like to move the file directory to app groups in order to create app extensions. Heres my code for changing the file path

var config = Realm.Configuration()
config.fileURL = FileManager.default.containerURL(forSecurityApplicationGroupIdentifier: "")!.appendingPathComponent("default.realm")
Realm.Configuration.defaultConfiguration = config

The code changes the file path perfectly, the problem is that the data gets wiped when I change the path, since the data at the previous path isn't being transferred.

Someone else had a similar question here, but it's very outdated and didn't work

I've tried methods of transferring it such as this, but all as failed

    let fileManager = FileManager.default

    //Cache original realm path (documents directory)
    let originalDefaultRealmPath = realm.configuration.fileURL?.absoluteString

    //Generate new realm path based on app group
    let appGroupURL: NSURL = fileManager.containerURL(forSecurityApplicationGroupIdentifier: "")! as NSURL
    let realmPath = appGroupURL.path!.appending("default.realm")

    //Moves the realm to the new location if it hasn't been done previously
    if (fileManager.fileExists(atPath: originalDefaultRealmPath!) && !fileManager.fileExists(atPath: realmPath)) {
           try fileManager.moveItem(atPath: originalDefaultRealmPath!, toPath: realmPath)

    let config = Realm.Configuration(fileURL: appGroupURL.absoluteURL)
    //Set the realm path to the new directory
    Realm.Configuration.defaultConfiguration = config

Thanks in advance for help! I'm still fairly new to Swift and programming in general so excuse me if I'm being clueless.


Thanks to @Jay's answer, I was able to answer my own question. In case anyone else needs help, heres what I did:

let fileManager = FileManager.default

    let originalPath = Realm.Configuration.defaultConfiguration.fileURL!

    let appGroupURL = FileManager.default.containerURL(forSecurityApplicationGroupIdentifier: "")!.appendingPathComponent("default.realm")
        try fileManager.replaceItemAt(appGroupURL, withItemAt: originalPath    )
    print("Error info: \(error)")

