PostgreSQL cannot connect: service definition not found

女生的网名这么多〃 提交于 2021-02-11 07:14:07


In Windows 10 Pro 64-bit & new installation of PostgreSQL 9.4, attempting to connect to the server in pgAdmin III results in

The service is running and the service name is correct, as seen here

I am brand new to PostgreSQL, but fwiw, I've configured a working Symfony 2.7 application to use PostgreSQL and have successfully (according to the Symfony console) created a database and its schema.

What is required to get pgAdmin to connect properly?


It turns out that the error message is grossly misleading. There is no issue with the service definition. Instead, I learned that when logged in as a user other than the user that created the PostgreSQL installation (e.g., postgres) one needs to do this at the command prompt:

runas /user:postgres "C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\9.4\bin\pgAdmin3.exe"

There may be a more elegant solution than making the above a cmd file. I'd like to know what that is!

