Issue: Bot started showing me an error, when using the emulator. While i am not sure, i think the emulator might have been updated
Debugging I checked that the AppID and secret are correct.
-> POST 401 [conversationUpdate]
Error: The bot's MSA appId or password is incorrect.
Edit your bot's MSA info
web.config Info:
<!-- update these with your appid and one of your appsecret keys-->
<add key="MicrosoftAppID" value="XXXXXXXXXXXXXX" />
<add key="MicrosoftAppPassword" value="YYYYYYYYYY" />
<!--Azure Credentials (V1 Authentication Mode) -->
<add key="ActiveDirectory.Mode" value="v1" />
<add key="ActiveDirectory.ResourceId" value="https://graph.windows.net/" />
<add key="ActiveDirectory.EndpointUrl" value="https://login.microsoftonline.com" />
<add key="ActiveDirectory.Tenant" value="ZZZZZZZ" />
<add key="ActiveDirectory.ClientId" value="aaa" />
<add key="ActiveDirectory.ClientSecret" value="bbb" />
<add key="ActiveDirectory.RedirectUrl" value="http://localhost:25601/api/OAuthCallback" />
Keep the Microsoft APP ID and Microsoft App Password values empty both in web.config file and the emulator when debugging locally.
and in the web.config:
<!-- update these with your BotId, Microsoft App Id and your Microsoft App Password-->
<add key="BotId" value="YourBotId" />
<add key="MicrosoftAppId" value="" />
<add key="MicrosoftAppPassword" value="" />
Create an empty project with Bot template(or use existing bot project) and update the bot builder version from Visual studio NuGet package to latest version. Try to test it with latest bot emulator (https://docs.botframework.com/en-us/tools/bot-framework-emulator/) it should work