Modelica nested/combined connectors

ε祈祈猫儿з 提交于 2021-02-10 20:42:18


I have some Modelica components that need to be connected twice, with two different connectors (lets call them typeAconnector and typeBconnector). Is there a way to build a "super-connector" that internally uses the two connectors?

The goal would be to have

connect(component1.superconnector, component2.superconnector

automatically translated into

connect(component1.typeAconnector, component2.typeAconnector); 
connect(component1.typeBconnector, component2.typeBconnector);

Ideally, it should still be possible to do connect(component3.typeAconnector, component2.superconnector); and only the typeA subconnector part will be used.

I assume this is not possible, at least I have no idea where to start, any hints or workarounds or partial solutions welcome. Thanks.

