
How to access model jacobian from FMU or Dymola without analytical jacobian

喜夏-厌秋 提交于 2021-02-18 17:42:11
问题 I am trying to find a way to access the jacobian for a model in dymola either through a compiled FMU or from the exported Dymola source code. The final objective is to use the same procedure to access the jacobian for a much more complex multibody vehicle model (205 states). Using fmi2GetDirectionalDerivative() from the FMI Standard seemed promising so I made a simple linear vehicle model to test this. model Vehicle "Single-track Linear bicycle vehicle model" extends Modelica.Blocks.Icons

How can I analyse the results of a DymolaSimulation (simulated via python interface)

馋奶兔 提交于 2021-02-10 23:21:36
问题 I simulated some Dymola Models via the python interface (result files are dsres.mat and dsres.txt), now I would like to compare and analyse these results (or to be clear some of the outputs) with python. Is there a possibility to do so with the python interface or do I need to work with modelicares/PySimulator/buildspy or something like that? I don't get how to read and understand the dsres.txt file. I would like not only to have a diagramm with the outputs but also a table (including time,

Modelica nested/combined connectors

蹲街弑〆低调 提交于 2021-02-10 20:49:24
问题 I have some Modelica components that need to be connected twice, with two different connectors (lets call them typeAconnector and typeBconnector ). Is there a way to build a "super-connector" that internally uses the two connectors? The goal would be to have connect(component1.superconnector, component2.superconnector automatically translated into connect(component1.typeAconnector, component2.typeAconnector); connect(component1.typeBconnector, component2.typeBconnector); Ideally, it should

Modelica nested/combined connectors

ε祈祈猫儿з 提交于 2021-02-10 20:42:18
问题 I have some Modelica components that need to be connected twice, with two different connectors (lets call them typeAconnector and typeBconnector ). Is there a way to build a "super-connector" that internally uses the two connectors? The goal would be to have connect(component1.superconnector, component2.superconnector automatically translated into connect(component1.typeAconnector, component2.typeAconnector); connect(component1.typeBconnector, component2.typeBconnector); Ideally, it should

CatiaMagic — 基于MBSE的产品创新和正向开发工具

寵の児 提交于 2021-02-09 11:02:04
CatiaMagic,原名MagicDraw,被达索收购后融入3DExperience产品协同研发管理平台中。该软件提供对SysML/UML/UAF语言的完整支持,提供独有的MagicGrid方法论,涵盖业务和任务分析、利益攸关者需要及需求分析、系统需求定义、系统架构定义、设计方案权衡、系统分析验证及协同设计管理等内容,支持早期对方案可行性进行快速验证,并更快地分析替代方案,探索更完整的设计空间。采用基于模型的协同设计,实现模型元素追溯,便于变更管理及影响分析、提高设计重用、沟通和理解质量。 产品功能 • 专业的系统工程方法论 基于INCOSE OOSEM方法和工程实践提出了适用于复杂产品开发的MagicGrid方法论。该方法按照产品不同的研制阶段需要关注的问题将设计过程分为问题域(产品需求分析)、解决方案域(产品方案设计)及实现域。在不同域内部,将分析过程细分为需求、行为、外部环境及能效指标四个视角维度,以便更全面的表达产品应具备的属性。通过不断的设计迭代,实现复杂产品的正向设计及完整的追溯过程。软件依据MagicGrid方法论,提供设计向导、流程模板,通过实践,帮助MBSE在研发各阶段落地实施。 • 仿真分析功能 提供模型执行框架(OMG fUML、W3C SCXML、JSR223等);支持模型调试和执行动画环境;支持用户交互界面建模和执行;内嵌求解器,支持与多学科专业分析工具

CVodeError while simulating with pyFMI

旧城冷巷雨未停 提交于 2021-02-07 14:44:27
问题 I try to set up the pyFMI on Anaconda (Python 3.6.8) Installed all the required packages listed on the pyFMI site. The fmu is loaded without the issue but while I try to simulate the fmu I get an error: Could not find cannot import name 'radau5' Could not find cannot import name 'dopri5' Could not find cannot import name 'rodas' Could not find cannot import name 'odassl' Could not find ODEPACK functions. Could not find RADAR5 Could not find GLIMDA. Traceback (most recent call last): File

CVodeError while simulating with pyFMI

寵の児 提交于 2021-02-07 14:43:30
问题 I try to set up the pyFMI on Anaconda (Python 3.6.8) Installed all the required packages listed on the pyFMI site. The fmu is loaded without the issue but while I try to simulate the fmu I get an error: Could not find cannot import name 'radau5' Could not find cannot import name 'dopri5' Could not find cannot import name 'rodas' Could not find cannot import name 'odassl' Could not find ODEPACK functions. Could not find RADAR5 Could not find GLIMDA. Traceback (most recent call last): File

Modelling Diffusion in Dymola/Modelica

放肆的年华 提交于 2021-02-07 09:25:44
问题 I'm facing a problem with modelling diffusion in Dymola. I want to have two seprate volumes (filled with air), which can be joined and thus exchange heat via diffusion. My approach was using the Modelica.Fluid library and connect two ClosedVolumes with a Valve. But as I found out, this library doesn't regard difussion. What would be the best way to accomplish such a model? 回答1: This limitation is due to the use of stream connector in the Modelica.Fluid library. One way to solve this is to

How to specify medium in Openmodelica?

给你一囗甜甜゛ 提交于 2021-01-27 20:30:26
问题 I am simulating a heat pump water heating system in Modelica. I have attached the picture of my model. However, when I run the model I get the error "Medium is partial, name lookup is not allowed in partial classes". Can you please let me know: How should I specify the water in tank, heat pump condenser and pipe? How should I specify air in heat pump evaporator? And in general, I did not find any example of modeling thermal systems in Openmodelica, can you suggest a source? Thanks 来源: https:/

DrumBoiler Modeling in Modelica

99封情书 提交于 2021-01-27 17:10:03
问题 I want to get into modeling with modelica especially the thermial and fluid branches. So now I am reversing and altering examples from stackoverflow and the modelica library to get to know the language better. At the moment I try to understand Modelica.Fluid.Examples.DrumBoiler.DrumBoiler . I have no problems to comprehend what the model does physically. But when I rebuilt it, I get the error message: Function Cv.from_bar not found in scope DrumBoiler. I rebuild the model from scratch and I