Caffeine Cache in Spring Boot Cache : Get all cached keys

為{幸葍}努か 提交于 2021-02-10 20:41:48


I'm using Caffeine Cache library for Spring Cache. Is there a way to get all the cached keys?

My current application works on a near-realtime data, with the flow as :

In the Cache Updater Thread(which runs at a fixed interval, irrespective of the user request), I need to get all the keys currently in the Cache, fetch their latest data from Db & then use @CachePut to update the cache.


Yo can inject CacheManager and obtain native cache from it.

class Test {
  private CacheManager cacheManager;

  Set<Object> keys(String cacheName){
    CaffeineCache caffeineCache = (CaffeineCache) cacheManager.getCache(cacheName);
    com.github.benmanes.caffeine.cache.Cache<Object, Object> nativeCache = caffeineCache.getNativeCache();
    return nativeCache.asMap().keySet();


Of course you should add some class casting checks.

