Goal: override a Jenkins Boolean parameter default value (true) with false when I build from another Jenkins script
I've check the suggested possible answers from other StackOverflow items; nothing seems to match. They did, however, show me how to use parameters when calling one Jenkins script from another. (Thanks!)
I can pass a value of true to a non-default parameter to change its value from false to true. But when I try to pass a value of false to a parameter where I have checked the "Default Value" box in the Configure view, the value stays true.
Jenkins is running on Windows 10
build job: 'other_build', parameters[booleanParam(name: 'param_no_default_value', value: true) ]
build job: 'other_build', parameters[booleanParam (name: 'param_default_value', value: false) ]
Overriding the parameter that doesn't have a default value works. Trying to override the parameter that does have a default value doesn't work. So does checking the value in the configuration file trump setting it from the other job?
== Added May 9, in response to @hakamairi's request for configuration (note: this is in Jenkins web interface): ==
In General area:
[checked] This project is parameterized
Boolean Parameter
Name: param_no_default_value
Default Value: [unchecked]
Boolean Paremeter
Name: param_default_value
Default Value: [checked]
In "Build with parameters," I do not check any boxes
Is there anything else that would help you?