How to get other process's environment variable using c# [duplicate]

喜欢而已 提交于 2021-02-10 07:25:33


I have an elevated process and I'm trying to extract an environment variable from another process using C#. I know that the variable exists by using Process Explorer.

I can get the process environment variables like the following:

Process process = Process.GetProcessesByName("someprocess").First();
string value = process.StartInfo.EnvironmentVariables["var_name"];

But StartInfo only returns a subset of the process env variables, passed to process.Start().

How can I get environment variables that have bee set during process run time?


It is not well documented, but ProcessStartInfo.EnvironmentVariables does not return the environment of a specific process.

If you look at the reference source, you will see that under the hood the GetEnvironmentStrings function is called. This function returns "a pointer to a block of memory that contains the environment variables of the calling process (both the system and the user environment variables)".

Accessing the environment block of another process is a bit more tricky. Oleksiy Gapotchenko has written an excellent blog post and also provides a sample solution.


From what I can find it looks like that's simply not an action supported out-of-the-box.

The closest thing is Environment.GetEnvironmentVariables(EnvironmentVariableTarget.Process);

Unfortunately that seems to be "locked" to the current process. If there were just a way to set what process to target you'd be golden.

Fortunately, Microsoft provides a "reference source" you can use to see what the underlying code in .NET is (in this case,20e3d8aa4eb8f4b1). If the function supports doing what you want you could make your own wrapper for it.

If you trace that down you find a Win32 call in an unsafe context is ultimately responsible:

It looks like even that call is locked to the current process, so you'll need to write your own code for it. Here's an example in C (or C++, can't tell lol):

You can translate the gist of that into unsafe C# and do the same thing using DllImports, etc. as necessary.. Sorry the answer isn't that easy, but it sounds like a fun project to me!

Edit: Oh I love how the linked possible duplicate did the same research that I did, found the same things, heh.. Just know that I didn't just copy-paste, did the research myself..

