I ran "Diagnose and solve problems" on Azure dashboard inside one of the app services, and then I got this critical risk alert: "Application evaluated unhealthy due to redirection.".
Recommended actions is:
If the application has HTTP to HTTPS redirectoin, consider one of the following solutions.
a. Enable 'HTTPs Only' from the TLS/SSL settings blade for the respective App Service. This will force health check pings to over 443.
b. Modify the Application logic/ad a URL Rewrite rule so that requests from the user agents – ReadyForRequest/1.0+(HealthCheck) & HealthCheck/1.0 are not redirected.
I already enable 'HTTPs Only' as suggested on point (a), but I don't know how to do point (b). How to modify the Application logic/ad a URL Rewrite rule so that requests from the user agents – ReadyForRequest/1.0+(HealthCheck)
& HealthCheck/1.0
are not redirected ?
Currently, I enable Health Check and set the Health Check path to /
Thanks before for any help.
I download offical sample, and make some changes in code, hope it useful to you.
Sample Code --- .net core 3.X(HealthChecksSample)
Method 1.
Because the code is in .net core, I first recommend configuring rewrite in Startup.cs
public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app)
ctx => ctx.Request.Path.StartsWithSegments("/"),
appBuilder =>
app.UseEndpoints(endpoints =>
endpoints.MapGet("/{**path}", async context =>
await context.Response.WriteAsync(
"Navigate to /health to see the health status.");
It works for me, both in local and azure web app.
I will add Method 2
in your another post.