max connected Endpoints with Nearby-Connections

随声附和 提交于 2021-02-10 06:13:57


I created an app with the google-nearby connections API with the strategie cluster.
On googles developer page they explained, that the cluster strategie is for an M-to-N topology. But it seems that the max client count is 6 endpoints. If a 7th endoint tries to connect, on the advertiser the bluetooth crashes.
Regarding to wikipedia the max connected client count in a piconet (bluetooth master/slave) should be seven.
Any tips how I can connect more than 6 devices to one advertiser? I can't use the star topology because these one uses wireless hotspots.


Phone radios tend to be pretty weak, and even though they theoretically should hit 7, most struggle past 4 connections.

There's an upcoming update to Nearby Connections that will switch devices to a LAN connection if they're on the same network. But if that's not an option, you'll have to make a mesh of devices and route messages between them.

