Julia FixedEffectsModels IV regression doesn't match R IV regression

怎甘沉沦 提交于 2021-02-10 05:48:18


When I run (what I think is the same regression) in R and in Julia I get very different results. I think this is because the IV regression is using an indicator variable to instrument for another indicator variable but I can't figure out if I am doing something else wrong.

I have tried several different methods, but the data starts like this:

   rc D tau     May_ret     Jun_ret      Jul_ret     Aug_ret      Sep_ret
1 -43 0   0  0.04529617  0.02106667  0.009868421 0.032573290  0.010473186
2 -19 0   0  0.01973333  0.05752213 -0.020920502 0.027521368 -0.029535865
3  74 1   1  0.33505189  0.04494382 -0.150537640 0.246835440  0.010152284
4  54 1   1  0.03602649  0.06168831  0.030581040 0.002611276 -0.027027028
5  22 1   1 -0.01584158 -0.08417509 -0.088235296 0.012903226  0.100000001
6   7 1   1  0.02484472  0.08000000  0.039548021 0.065217391  0.006122449

D and tau are not perfectly linear, but they are close (and tau is being used to instrument for D).

My R code is


temp_df <- read.csv(file="output.csv")

addmay <- ivreg(May_ret ~ D*rc|tau*rc, data=temp_df)
addjun <- ivreg(Jun_ret ~ D*rc|tau*rc, data=temp_df)
addjul <- ivreg(Jul_ret ~ D*rc|tau*rc, data=temp_df)
addaug <- ivreg(Aug_ret ~ D*rc|tau*rc, data=temp_df)
addsep <- ivreg(Sep_ret ~ D*rc|tau*rc, data=temp_df)

stargazer(addmay, addjun, addjul, addaug, addsep, title="Addition Return Effect", align=TRUE, type="text", report="vc*t")

Which produces

                                                    Dependent variable:                                 
                        May_ret          Jun_ret          Jul_ret          Aug_ret          Sep_ret     
                          (1)              (2)              (3)              (4)              (5)       
D                        0.006            0.033            -0.008           0.028           -0.044*     
                       t = 0.304        t = 1.600        t = -0.353       t = 1.283        t = -1.943   

rc                      -0.0001          -0.0001          -0.0003          -0.0003*          0.0002     
                       t = -0.736       t = -0.730       t = -1.495       t = -1.784       t = 1.094    

D:rc                     0.0002          -0.0002          0.001***          0.0002           0.0001     
                       t = 0.817        t = -0.747       t = 2.660        t = 0.706        t = 0.392    

Constant                 0.0002          -0.021*          -0.024*          -0.021*           0.009      
                       t = 0.014        t = -1.778       t = -1.831       t = -1.673       t = 0.654    

Observations              827              828              824              823              818       
R2                       0.003            0.007            0.007            0.026            0.012      
Adjusted R2             -0.0005           0.004            0.004            0.023            0.009      
Residual Std. Error 0.106 (df = 823) 0.111 (df = 824) 0.125 (df = 820) 0.116 (df = 819) 0.123 (df = 814)
Note:                                                                        *p<0.1; **p<0.05; ***p<0.01

And my Julia code is

using FixedEffectModels, CSV, RegressionTables;

test_df = CSV.read("output.csv");

additions = Dict("May" => reg(test_df, @model(May_ret ~ (D*rc~tau*rc))),
    "Jun" => reg(test_df, @model(Jun_ret ~ (D*rc~tau*rc))),
    "Jul" => reg(test_df, @model(Jul_ret ~ (D*rc~tau*rc))),
    "Aug" => reg(test_df, @model(Aug_ret ~ (D*rc~tau*rc))),
    "Sep" => reg(test_df, @model(Sep_ret ~ (D*rc~tau*rc))));
regtable(additions["May"], additions["Jun"], additions["Jul"], additions["Aug"], additions["Sep"]; below_statistic=:tstat, regression_statistics=[:nobs, :r2, :f])

Which produces

               May_ret    Jun_ret    Jul_ret    Aug_ret    Sep_ret
              --------   --------   --------   --------   --------
                   (1)        (2)        (3)        (4)        (5)
(Intercept)      0.008   -0.013**     -0.006     -0.021     -0.004
               (1.580)   (-2.603)   (-1.117)   (-1.673)   (-0.771)
D               -0.004      0.023     -0.032      0.028     -0.027
              (-0.268)    (1.503)   (-1.854)    (1.283)   (-1.627)
rc            0.000***   0.000***   0.000***     -0.000   0.000***
                 (NaN)      (NaN)      (NaN)   (-1.784)      (NaN)
D & rc           0.000     -0.000     0.001*      0.000      0.000
               (0.496)   (-1.372)    (2.198)    (0.706)    (1.189)
Estimator           IV         IV         IV         IV         IV
N                  827        828        824        823        818
R2               0.000      0.008      0.004      0.026      0.004
F                0.200      6.306      9.604      8.526      7.380

As can be seen, the main difference is FixedEffectsModels seems to be dropping the rc variable from the regression. I have checked for multicollinearity but it does not seem like it is the problem. Is there a part of my code that I am using wrong?

I am trying to replicate Table 4 of Yen-Cheng Chang, Harrison Hong, Inessa Liskovich, Regression Discontinuity and the Price Effects of Stock Market Indexing, The Review of Financial Studies, Volume 28, Issue 1, January 2015, Pages 212–246, https://doi.org/10.1093/rfs/hhu041

And they provide part of the data. I uploaded the full data here: https://github.com/junder873/data.git


After some work, I figured out my own answer. Julia FixedEffectModels was including the rc variable in both the endogenous and exogenous part of the regression. The correct way to fix this is to basically interact the variables beforehand. This will create the correct output. For example:

reg(test_df, @model(May_ret ~ rc + (rc_D + D~rc_tau+ tau)))

Where rc_D is rc.*D and rc_tau is rc.*tau, basically creating two new columns and adding them manually to the regression instead of letting the model decide which columns to add. This produces the same results.

