I have developed an app which takes an .wav file as input and plays it. However it seems to be not working. On the other hand, if the audio file is placed in /www folder and path name is given, it is playing fine.
What am I doing wrong ?
library( shinydashboard )
ui = source( file.path( "ui", "ui.R" ), local = T )$value #..... ui for ocr
server = function( input, output, session ){
#..... Include server logic for each tab .....
source( file.path( "server", "server.R" ), local = T )$value #..... server logic for ocrs
shinyApp( ui = ui, server = server )
header = dashboardHeader( title = 'Speech 2 Text' )
sidebar = dashboardSidebar( collapsed = F,
menuItem( strong( ' Speech to Text' ), tabName = 'tab1' )
body = dashboardBody(
#####.... tab1 ....####
tabItem( tabName = 'tab1',
box( title = 'Actions', status = 'success', collapsible = T, width = 12, solidHeader = T,
column( 6, fileInput( 'uploaded_audio', 'Choose WAV File', multiple = FALSE, accept = '.wav' ) ),
column( 3, align = 'left',
actionButton( 'play_audio', 'Play Audio' ),
tags$style( "#play_audio { vertical-align: middle; height: 30px; width: 70%; font-size: 15px;color: white;background-color:#1B618D;border-color: #374645 }" )
dashboardPage( header, sidebar, body, skin = 'yellow' )
observeEvent( input$play_audio, {
req( input$uploaded_audio )
insertUI( selector = "#play_audio", where = "afterEnd",
ui = tags$audio( src = input$uploaded_audio$datapath, type = "audio/wav", autoplay = NA, controls = NA )
Also I have printed str( input$uploaded_audio )
to see the path where the file gets stored.
It shows output something like this :
data.frame': 1 obs. of 4 variables:
$ name : chr "newOSR_us_000_0034_8k.wav"
$ size : int 568810
$ type : chr "audio/wav"
$ datapath: chr "C:\\Users\\MACHIN~1\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\Rtmp2zx4tW/c3d8af2a9ed3e4b8cd415aea/0.wav"
You can base64-encode the file:
server <- function(input, output){
observeEvent( input$play_audio, {
req( input$uploaded_audio )
base64 <- dataURI(file = input$uploaded_audio$datapath, mime = "audio/wav")
insertUI( selector = "#play_audio", where = "afterEnd",
ui = tags$audio( src = base64, type = "audio/wav", autoplay = NA, controls = NA )