Is it possible to run a logic app or connector as a service principal, in particular under the consumption plan?
I'd guess forcing the app to run in a non-consumption plan via powershell might give more control over the service principal.
The reason I'd want it to avoid an individual's account to be used during an automated deployment.
The closest I thought was to wrangle https://github.com/logicappsio/LogicAppConnectionAuth to do the oauth automagically using a service principal, however trying similar things for data factory connections proved unfruitful and very time consuming, so I'd rather find out sooner than later if I'm barking up the wrong tree.
API Connections with OAuth authentication, like Office 365 and Microsoft Team connectors, require manual consent. Unfortunately, at this point in time, authentication for those cannot be fully automated.
As you mentioned, this script https://github.com/logicappsio/LogicAppConnectionAuth will avoid some user clicks when authenticating the connectors, but at the end is going to be a manual step.