How to typehint context in an IDE?

∥☆過路亽.° 提交于 2021-02-08 15:55:28


I am using Closure::call ( to call an external closure inside a class context.

Here's a simple repro:

class Foo {
    private $bar = 'baz';

     * Executes a closure in $this context and returns whatever the closure returns.
     * @param \Closure $closure
     * @return mixed
    public function callClosureInThisContext(\Closure $closure) {
        return $closure->call($this);

class Closures {
     * @return \Closure
    public function getClosureForFoo() : \Closure {
        return function () {
            // how do I tell my IDE that in this context $this is actually class Foo,
            // and not the class Closures?
            print $this->bar;

$foo = new Foo();
$closures = new Closures();
$foo->callClosureInThisContext($closures->getClosureForFoo()); // prints "baz"

This works as expected, but my IDE is of course, not happy, and is warning me about the "field bar not found":

Can I somehow tell the IDE (in this case PhpStorm) that the closure is going to be used inside another class and that it should assume its context?



/** @var $this Foo */
print $this->bar;

It will add autocomplete for class Foo additionally to Closure

