How to fetch data from database and set as submenus in yii2?

一笑奈何 提交于 2021-02-08 11:00:17


I have a widget menu in yii2:

<?= \yii\widgets\Menu::widget([
        'encodeLabels' => false,
        'options' => ['id' => 'dock'],
        'items' => [

            ['label' => 'ab...',
                'template' => '<i class="fa fa-dashboard"></i><a href="{url}">{label}</a>',
                'options' => ['class' => 'launcher dropdown hover'],
                'submenuTemplate' => "\n<ul class='dropdown-menu'>\n{items}\n</ul>\n",
                'items' => [

                    ['label' => 'a',
                        'url' => ['users/..'],
                        'visible' => Yii::$app->user->isGuest
                    ['label' => 'b',
                        'url' => ['users/..'],
                        'visible' => Yii::$app->user->isGuest


I want to fetch submenu items from database.That's mean the number of items may vary .I can not enter items manually. such as :

'items' => [
                    $query="select title from book";
                    foreach($query as $items){

                    ['label' => $items['title'],
                        'url' => ['users/..'],
                        'visible' => !Yii::$app->user->isGuest

This code not true. Should I use the foreach loop? OR There is such a possibility for this widget? Do you hava a sample code?


In this way:

// If you don't need object representation, you can use an array to speed up the action (and preserve memory)
$models = Model::find()->asArray()->all();

$items = [];
foreach ($models as $m) {
    $items[] = [
        'label' => $m['title'], 
        'url' => ['users/..'], 
        'visible' => !Yii::$app -> user -> isGuest

and then print the output

echo \yii\widgets\Menu::widget([
        'encodeLabels' => false,
        'options' => ['id' => 'dock'],
        'items' => [
            ['label' => 'ab...',
                'template' => '<i class="fa fa-dashboard"></i><a href="{url}">{label}</a>',
                'options' => ['class' => 'launcher dropdown hover'],
                'submenuTemplate' => "\n<ul class='dropdown-menu'>\n{items}\n</ul>\n",
                'items' => $items 


You can build you submenu outside the widget and the assign to it

              $models=YouBookModel::find()->select( 'title')->findAll();
              $subMenu = '';
              foreach($models as $items){

                 $subMenu .= "['label' => $items['title'],
                      'url' => ['users/..'],
                      'visible' => !Yii::$app->user->isGuest


       'items' => [

        ['label' => 'ab...',
            'template' => '<i class="fa fa-dashboard"></i><a href="{url}">{label}</a>',
            'options' => ['class' => 'launcher dropdown hover'],
            'submenuTemplate' => "\n<ul class='dropdown-menu'>\n{items}\n</ul>\n",
            'items' => $subMenu

