PowerBI-Javascript embedded dashboard is not “clickable” (to drill to associated Reports, etc)

眉间皱痕 提交于 2021-02-08 10:33:14


I have a scenario where I need to embed PowerBI dashboards that I am accomplishing by doing the following:

  1. Use ADAL.JS to authenticate the browser user with AD; then use an AD app to request an access token to powerbi App.
  2. Pass this access token to PowerBI-Javascript (powerbi.embed) and embed a given dashboard into my page.
  3. At this point, the dashboard shows up embedded on my page, along with all its pinned contents.

HOWEVER, the problem is that IF I try to click on any of those pinned items on the embedded dashboard, nothing happens. In contrast, when I do the same on powerbi.com, the underlying report loads and I get a "drill thru" behavior.

How can I implement the same type of "drill thru" behavior in the embedded case as well?


Here is the full source for implementing click through functionality for embedded PowerBI dashboards complete with browser history support.

    <div id="pbiIframe" class="desktop-view" style="display: block;">
    <div class="reportContainer" id="topLevelContainer"></div>

        var models = window['powerbi-client'].models;
        window.onpopstate = function (popstate) {
            console.log("popstate fired!");
            // check if popstate is available; this means user is hitting back button and 
            // we need to load the associated powerbi artifact for that nav history
            if (popstate.state != null) {
                powerbi_embed(popstate.state.type, popstate.state.id, popstate.state.embedUrl,
                    popstate.state.viewMode, popstate.state.pageName);
        // I pass in a Model from MVC; if page is manually refreshed, load dash from Model always
        $(document).ready(function () {
            powerbi_embed('@Model.Type', '@Model.Id', '@Model.EmbedUrl', '@Model.ViewMode', "");

        // Core helper to embed a powerbi artifact into the page dynamically
        function powerbi_embed(type, id, embedUrl, viewMode, pageName) {
            var retObj = null;

                .done(function (token) {
                    // create embed config
                    var embedConfig = {
                        type: type,
                        id: id,
                        embedUrl: embedUrl,
                        viewMode: models.ViewMode.View,
                        tokenType: models.TokenType.Aad,
                        accessToken: token,
                        pageView: 'fitToWidth', // applies to Dashboard only; for Report, see below
                        pageName: pageName,

                        // See https://microsoft.github.io/PowerBI-JavaScript/interfaces/_node_modules_powerbi_models_dist_models_d_.isettings.html
                        settings: {
                            filterPaneEnabled: true,
                            navContentPaneEnabled: true,
                            background: models.BackgroundType.Transparent,
                            // START Report specific settings
                            layoutType: models.LayoutType.Custom,
                            customLayout: {
                                displayOption: models.DisplayOption.FitToWidth
                            // END Report specific settings

                    // create new embed element (workaround due to errors from powerbi wrt embedding pbi into an already embedded element)
                    var newEl = $("<div class='reportContainer'></div>");

                    // embed
                    retObj = powerbi.embed(newEl.get(0), embedConfig);

                    // store the CURRENT embedConfig in the page's popstate
                    history.replaceState(embedConfig, 'title');

                    /************ HANDLE CLICKTHRU SCENARIOS ****************/
                    // register for tileClicked event only for dashboards (reports are not clickable, and do not raise this event)
                    if (type === 'dashboard') {
                        retObj.on('tileClicked', function (event) {
                            // in some cases, powerbi event does not contain a valid reportEmbedUrl
                            if (event.detail.reportEmbedUrl === "") {
                                console.log("reportEmbedUrl is empty in tileClicked event, no-oping. This happens for filtered links.")

                            // preserve history so back nav works
                            console.log("tileClicked fired; save CURRENT powerbi state in popstate");
                            history.pushState(embedConfig, 'title');

                                "", // can be left empty as reportId comes as part of reportEmbedUrl

            return retObj;


The difference is that in PowerBI.com the behavior is 'go to relevant report'.. Whereas in Power BI Embedded, a click on an embedded tile fires a tileClicked event which you can then use to navigate to another embedded report (via Report Embed).

This is a way of choosing the behavior of click, as some developers might not want to grant free access to other reports from their app.

For more details on events: https://github.com/Microsoft/PowerBI-JavaScript/wiki/Handling-Events#example

