Kubernetes use private DNS

我只是一个虾纸丫 提交于 2021-02-08 08:43:17


Is it possible to use a private DNS in Kubernetes? For example, an application needs to connect to an external DB by its hostname. The DNS entry, which resolves the IP, is deposited in a private DNS.

My AKS (Azure Kubernetes Service) is running on version 1.17 which already uses the new coreDNS.

My first try was to use that private DNS like on VM by configuring the /etc/resolve.conf file of the pods:

dnsPolicy: "None"
      - 10.76.xxx.xxx
      - 10.76.xxx.xxx
      - az-q.example.com
      - name: ndots
        value: "2"

Then I tried to use configmap to adjust the coreDNS:

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: kube-dns
  namespace: kube-system
  upstreamNameservers: |
    ["10.76.xxx.xxx", "10.76.xxx.xxx"]

But my pod is every time running in an error on deployment:

$ sudo kubectl logs app-homepage-backend-xxxxx -n ingress-nginx
      throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event
Error: getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND az-q.example.com az-q.example.com:636
    at GetAddrInfoReqWrap.onlookup [as oncomplete] (dns.js:56:26)

What am I missing?


In order to achieve what you need, I'd go with dnsPolicy: ClusterFirst definition in the pod manifests and then a definition of a stub zone (private DNS zone) in your cluster DNS subsystem.

For identifying the Cluster DNS stack, typically check the pods running in the kube-system namespace. Most likely you'll find one of these two: CoreDNS or Kube-DNS.

In case your cluster DNS runs on CoreDNS, then look for this kind of a modification in your coredns configmap. If you run on the older Kube-DNS system, then look for this modification in kube-dns configmap.

It's important to say that if you would like to apply this modification to pods running in the host network mode (many pods from kube-system namespace), you need to modify their manifests with dnsPolicy: ClusterFirstWithHostNet stanza.


Everyting depends on dnsPolicy you set in deployment configuration file of your application.

When Pod’s dnsPolicy is set to “default”, it inherits the name resolution configuration from the node that the Pod runs on. The Pod’s DNS resolution should behave the same as the node.

1. Many Linux distributions (e.g. Ubuntu), use a local DNS resolver by default (systemd-resolved). Systemd-resolved moves and replaces /etc/resolv.conf with a stub file that can cause a fatal forwarding loop when resolving names in upstream servers. This can be fixed manually by using kubelet’s --resolv-conf flag to point to the correct resolv.conf (With systemd-resolved, this is /run/systemd/resolve/resolv.conf). kubeadm (>= 1.11) automatically detects systemd-resolved, and adjusts the kubelet flags accordingly.

Kubernetes installs do not configure the nodes’ resolv.conf files to use the cluster DNS by default, because that process is inherently distribution-specific. This should probably be implemented eventually.

2. Linux’s libc is impossibly stuck (see this bug from 2005) with limits of just 3 DNS nameserver records and 6 DNS search records. Kubernetes needs to consume 1 nameserver record and 3 search records. This means that if a local installation already uses 3 nameservers or uses more than 3 searches, some of those settings will be lost. As a partial workaround, the node can run dnsmasq which will provide more nameserver entries, but not more search entries. You can also use kubelet’s --resolv-conf flag.

3. Make sure that you are not using Alpine version 3.3 or earlier as your base image, DNS may not work properly then.

Please take a look here: dns-kubernetes-known-issues.


What is the dnsPolicy set to in the deployment configuration for the application? According to this doc:

Custom upstream nameservers and stub domains do not affect Pods with a dnsPolicy set to “Default” or “None”.

If a Pod’s dnsPolicy is set to “ClusterFirst”, its name resolution is handled differently, depending on whether stub-domain and upstream DNS servers are configured.

See in that doc the example and what happens with custom configurations.

