I'm using Spark for fun and to learn new things about MapReduce. So, I'm trying to write a program suggesting new friendships (i.e., a sort of recommendation system). The suggestion of a friendship between two individuals is performed if they are not connected yet and have a lot of friends in common.
The friendship text file has a structure similar to the following:
1 2,4,11,12,15
2 1,3,4,5,9,10
3 2,5,11,15,20,21
4 1,2,3
5 2,3,4,15,16
where the syntax is: ID_SRC1<TAB>ID_DST1,ID_DST2,...
The program should output (print or text file) something like the following:
1 3,5
3 1
5 1
where the syntax is: ID_SRC1<TAB>ID_SUGG1,ID_SUGG2,...
. Of course the program must suggest a friendship if the two individuals shares a minimum number of friends, let's say 3
in our case.
I've written my program, but I'd like to read better and more powerful solutions by you. Indeed, I think my code can improved a lot since it takes much time to output from an input file of 4.2 MB.
Below my code:
from pyspark import SparkContext, SparkConf
def linesToDataset(line):
(src, dst_line) = line.split('\t')
src = int(src.strip())
dst_list_string = dst_line.split(',')
dst_list = [int(x.strip()) for x in dst_list_string if x != '']
return (src, dst_list)
def filterPairs(x):
# don't take into account pairs of a same node and pairs of already friends
if (x[0][0] != x[1][0]) and (not x[0][0] in x[1][1]) and (not x[1][0] in x[0][1]):
shared = len(list(set(x[0][1]).intersection(set(x[1][1]))))
return (x[0][0], [x[1][0], shared])
def mapFinalDataset(elem):
recommendations = []
src = elem[0]
dst_commons = elem[1]
for pair in dst_commons:
if pair[1] > 3: # 3 is the minimum number of friends in common
return (src, recommendations)
def main():
conf = SparkConf().setAppName("Recommendation System").setMaster("local[4]")
sc = SparkContext(conf=conf)
rdd = sc.textFile("data.txt")
dataset = rdd.map(linesToDataset)
cartesian = dataset.cartesian(dataset)
filteredDatasetRaw = cartesian.map(filterPairs)
filteredDataset = filteredDatasetRaw.filter(lambda x: x != None)
# print filteredDataset.take(10)
groupedDataset = filteredDataset.groupByKey().mapValues(list)
# print groupedDataset.take(10)
finalDataset = groupedDataset.map(mapFinalDataset)
output = finalDataset.take(100)
for (k, v) in output:
if len(v) > 0:
print str(k) + ': ' + str(v)
if __name__ == "__main__":
Better is a point of view of course.
I would argue the strategy I am about to propose is better in terms of performance and readability, but this has to be subjective. The main reason is that I avoid the cartesian product, to replace it with a JOIN.
Alternative strategy
The strategy I propose is based on the fact that the basic data line
1 2,4,11,12,15
Can be thought of as a list of "friendship suggestions", meaning this line tells me : "2 should be friends with 4, 11, 12, 15", "4 should be friends with 2, 11, 12, 15", and so on.
Therefore, the gist of my implementation is
- Turn each line into a list of suggestions (foo should be friends with bar)
- group suggestions by person (foo should be friends with bar, baz, bar) with duplicates
- count the number of duplicates (foo should be friends with bar(2 suggestions), baz (1 suggestion)
- remove existing relationships
- filter suggestions that occur too rarely
- print result
As I'm more of a Java/scala guy, pardon the scala language, but it should map fairly easily to Python.
First, create basic friendship data from your text file
def parseLine(line: String): (Int, Array[String]) = {
(Integer.parseInt(line.substring(0, line.indexOf("\t"))), line.substring(line.indexOf("\t")+1).split(","))
def toIntegerArray(strings: Array[String]): Array[Int] = {
strings.filter({ x => !x.isEmpty() }).map({ x => Integer.parseInt(x) })
// The friendships that exist
val alreadyFriendsRDD = sc.textFile("src/data.txt", 4)
// Parse file : (id of the person, [Int] of friends)
.map { parseLine }
.mapValues( toIntegerArray );
And convert them to suggestions
// If person 1 is friends with 2 and 4, this means we should suggest 2 to become friends with 4 , and vice versa
def toSymetricalPairs(suggestions: Array[Int]): TraversableOnce[(Int, Int)] = {
.map { suggestion => (suggestion(0), suggestion(1)) }
.flatMap { suggestion => Iterator(suggestion, (suggestion._2, suggestion._1)) }
val suggestionsRDD = alreadyFriendsRDD
.map( x => x._2 )
// Then we create suggestions from the friends Array
.flatMap( toSymetricalPairs )
Once you have a RDD of suggestions, regroup them :
def mergeSuggestion(suggestions: mutable.HashMap[Int, Int], newSuggestion: Int): mutable.HashMap[Int, Int] = {
suggestions.get(newSuggestion) match {
case None => suggestions.put(newSuggestion, 1)
case Some(x) => suggestions.put(newSuggestion, x + 1)
def mergeSuggestions(suggestions: mutable.HashMap[Int, Int], toMerge: mutable.HashMap[Int, Int]) = {
val keySet = suggestions.keySet ++: toMerge.keySet
keySet.foreach { key =>
suggestions.get(key) match {
case None => suggestions.put(key, toMerge.getOrElse(key, 0))
case Some(x) => suggestions.put(key, x + toMerge.getOrElse(key, 0))
def filterRareSuggestions(suggestions: mutable.HashMap[Int, Int]): scala.collection.Set[Int] = {
suggestions.filter(p => p._2 >= 3).keySet
// We reduce as a RDD of suggestion count by person
val suggestionsByPersonRDD = suggestionsRDD.combineByKey(
// For each person, create a map of suggestion count
(person: Int) => new mutable.HashMap[Int, Int](),
// For every suggestion, merge it into the map
mergeSuggestion ,
// When merging two maps, sum the suggestions
// We restrict to suggestions that occur more than 3 times
.mapValues( filterRareSuggestions )
Finally filter the suggestions by taking into account already existing friendships
val suggestionsCleanedRDD = suggestionsByPersonRDD
// We co-locate the suggestions with the known friends
// We clean the suggestions by removing the known friends
.mapValues (_ match { case (suggestions, alreadyKnownFriendsByPerson) => {
suggestions -- alreadyKnownFriendsByPerson
Which outputs, for example :
(49831,Set(49853, 49811, 49837, 49774))
(49835,Set(22091, 20569, 29540, 36583, 31122, 3004, 10390, 4113, 1137, 15064, 28563, 20596, 36623))
Meaning 49831 should be friends with 49853, 49811, 49837, 49774.
Trying on your dataset, and on a 2012 Corei5@2.8GHz (dual core hyperthread) / 2g RAM, we finish under 1.5 minutes.