I realize that what I'm about to ask is more a generic Java question than a specific Codename One question, anyway, considering that the reference APIs are Codename One's, is there a more elegant and more reliable way to handle a situation like the following code? Such cases happen if I need to synchronously make code that by its nature would be asynchronous with callback:
while (lock) {
CN.invokeAndBlock(() -> Util.sleep(500));
I quoted a code like that here: https://github.com/codenameone/CodenameOne/issues/3192
JavaSE has some pretty cool features to do that but we don't support them at this time e.g. CountDownLatch
But this is still pretty easy to do:
public class SharedVar<T> {
private T var;
public T get() { return var; }
public synchronized void set(T var) {
this.var = var;
public synchronized T waitForChange() {
return var;