How to set initial value of a custom slider in qml?

≯℡__Kan透↙ 提交于 2021-02-08 04:08:19


I am using Qt 5.4.1. I have made a custom slider element to be used in other qml components like so:

import QtQuick 2.4
import QtQuick.Controls 1.3
import QtQuick.Controls.Styles 1.3

Item {
    id: root
    width: 150
    height: 30

    property int val: slider.value
    property int maxVal: slider.maximumValue
    property int minVal: slider.minimumValue
    property int step: slider.stepSize

    Slider {
        id: slider
        anchors.margins: 20
        stepSize: step
        maximumValue: maxVal
        minimumValue: minVal
        style: customStyle
//      onValueChanged: print("From Slider.qml" ,value)

    Component {
        id: customStyle
        SliderStyle {
            handle: Rectangle {
                width: 20
                height: 12
                antialiasing: true
                color: Qt.lighter("#468bb7", 1.2)

            groove: Item {
                implicitHeight: root.height
                implicitWidth: root.width
                Rectangle {
                    height: 8
                    width: parent.width
                    anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
                    color: "#847878"
                    opacity: 0.8
                    Rectangle {
                        antialiasing: true
                        radius: 1
                        color: "#1a0d0d"
                        height: parent.height
                        width: parent.width * control.value / control.maximumValue

And in another file test.qml I am using this slider like so

import QtQuick 2.3

Rectangle {
    id: test

    width: 640; height: 480

    Slider {
        id: slider
        width: 300
        height: 30
        anchors.centerIn: parent
        maxVal: 1000
        minVal: 0
        step: 50
        val: 500 // when commented out, onValChanged is triggered on sliding
        onValChanged: print(val)

I want to set the slider to an initial value when instantiated in test.qml, using the property val. But when I set initial value, onValChanged does not get triggered when sliding the slider. But when I comment that line out (val: 500), onValChanged is triggered when the slider is slid, but the slider starts with initial value of 0 which I don't want. I don't understand what I am doing wrong here!


The setting of the property val to a specific value overrides the binding, as defined in your slider component. Once the binding is lost, any update of the slider is not delivered to val resulting in the behaviour you experienced. On the other way around, if you don't set the property the binding is maintained, i.e. as the slider value changes the value of val changes accordingly, triggering the signal.

That's not the way to go in this case, also because you are adding a set of properties which simply exposes inner properties of Slider. Just use properties alias:

Property aliases are properties which hold a reference to another property. Unlike an ordinary property definition, which allocates a new, unique storage space for the property, a property alias connects the newly declared property (called the aliasing property) as a direct reference to an existing property (the aliased property).

Rewrite your properties inside Slider.qml as follows:

property alias val: slider.value
property alias maxVal: slider.maximumValue
property alias minVal: slider.minimumValue
property alias step: slider.stepSize

This way val is slider.value and setting it to 500 directly affect the slider without breaking any binding.

On a sidenote, you can also for example write

property alias maximumValue: slider.maximumValue

i.e. expose inner properties with their very same name to maintain the consistency in API naming.

