I need a class that may or may not contain itself, for usage as a tree in R. Every Node has Side, Analytical_Matrix, MaxChi2 and P and Sons are of type Node too.
The first time a Node is created, I need the Sons to be empty or NULL. But later I create them and asign them as Sons (I have a limit of max 3 sons).
I have tried this for setting up the Class:
setClass(Class = "Node",slots=c(Side="character",Analytical_matrix="data.frame",MaxChi2="data.frame",P="numeric",TerminalNode="logical",LSon="Node",CSon="Node",RSon="Node"),prototype = prototype(LSon=NULL,CSon=NULL,RSon=NULL))
And this for declaring one instance of the new class. I get an error. I need the sons to be empty first because is an infinite loop looking always for Sons of Sons of Sons.
Res=new(Class = "Node",Side=c("A","B"),Analytical_Matrix=data.frame(A=c(1,2)),MaxChi2=data.frame(A=c(3)),P=0.3),NodoTerminal=FALSE)
It is possible to have a class contain itself as one of its slots, via a "class union". Here is a simple example of a class with an id
integer slot and a parent
slot that we want to be the same class:
)) -> myObject
The above will generate a warning that "myObject_or_NULL" isn't defined, but it's only a warning and not an error.
Now, if we try to make a new one:
An object of class "myObject"
Slot "parent":
Slot "id":
We don't have a recursive loop any more because the default is NULL
. After it's instantiated, you can set the slot to whatever you like, of course.