Remove old temporary files when user is logged out

我是研究僧i 提交于 2021-02-08 02:59:24


I have a view that takes logged in user input then runs a function to produce a report. The result is returned in an HTML page. I render the report to PDF as well.

I create a PDF with the content from my function and save it in some folder on the server. I don't want to have my server filled with files from every run, so I create a temporary folder (in tmpfs) for each user when they log in and save the path in their session, which is not permanent.

session['temp_path'] = '/dev/shm/<random_uuid>/'

The user may log out by clicking a log out button, or their session might expire. How can I remove the user's temporary folder after they are logged out?


Clicking the log out button does the same thing as expiring the session, right?

There are two ways you can do this: 1) add code to the session expiration routine that cleans up the temporary files, and/or 2) write a cron script that checks for active sessions and cleans up the temporary files for inactive sessions.


If someone is interested in this question I solved it another way. I do not check if the user logs out or create any cron script respectively.

I created an Object that runs a counting thread for every pdf created. After elapsed time, pdf is deleted.

Code looks like this:

class TimeSet(set):
    def add(self, item, timeout):
        set.add(self, item)
        t = threading.Thread(target=timeout_set_remove, args=(self, item, timeout))

def timeout_set_remove(my_set, item, timeout):

In my flask app I use it like this:

set = TimeSet()
set.add(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(src_path, pdf_name)), app.config['PDF_PERSISTENCE'])

where pdf_name is the name of created pdf, src_path is the path to the file. The persistence time is defined in my config file.

