I am looking for a basic business process (a ordering service or something similar) modeled using UML and/or BPMN for learning purposes. Are there any examples I can get my hand on?
You can find some examples here:
- BPMN examples: https://repository.genmymodel.com/diagrams/bpmn
- UML examples: https://repository.genmymodel.com/diagrams/uml
Select a project and click the green button to clone an example.
You can find some examples on the main bpmn web site: www.bpmn.org; you can click on the tab "examples" and you will find some BPMN model examples.
I also suggest downloading BonitaStudio, where you can find some examples and you can run them.
You may try downloading Bonita Open Solution from Bonitasoft's site. The tool comes with a set of Business Processes provided as example like a hiring process. You'll also have the possibility to find some processes on BOS community.
Check here: http://www.bonitasoft.com/products/BPM_downloads
(Disclaimer: I work at Bonitasoft.)
Maybe other vendors/tools/community provide some examples.