How to install multiple whl files in cmd

这一生的挚爱 提交于 2021-02-07 19:58:23


I know how to install *.whl files through cmd (the code is simply python -m pip install *so-and-so-.whl). But since I accidentally deleted my OS and had no backups I found myself in the predicament to reinstall all of my whl files for my work.

This comes up to around 50 files. I can do this manually which is pretty simple, but I was wondering how to do this in a single line. I can't seem to find anything that would allow me to simply type in python -m pip install *so-and-so.whl to find all of the whl files in the directory and install them.

Any ideas?


In Windows cmd you can use a for loop to do this:

for %x in (dir *.whl) do python -m pip install %x


Another more universal way that works on most OS is to run this using python interpreter:

import glob, pip
for path in glob.glob("c:/path/to/wheel/files/*.whl"):
    pip.main(['install', path])


Pip doesn't support main from v10.0.*

import glob
import subprocess
for path in glob.glob("c:/path/to/wheel/files/*.whl"):'pip install {path}')


In linux, you could do a something like :

for x in `ls /home/pip-packages`; do pip install $x; done

this will install both .whl and tar packages.


For installing multiple packages on the command line, just pass them as a space-delimited list, e.g.:

pip install numpy pandas

