Searched Google and SO and couldn't find a good answer. I have the following table:
Country Value
23 Bolivia 2575.684
71 Guyana 3584.693
125 Paraguay 3878.150
49 Ecuador 5647.638
126 Peru 6825.461
38 Colombia 7752.168
151 Suriname 9376.495
25 Brazil 11346.796
7 Argentina 11610.220
171 Venezuela 12766.725
168 Uruguay 14702.505
37 Chile 15363.098
All values are in US dollars - I'd like to add in the dollar signs and the commas. Bolivia's value should therefore read $2,575.684. Also, is there any real need to change row names to 1 through 12? If so, an easy way to do so?
Thanks in advance.
paste('$',formatC(df$Value, big.mark=',', format = 'f'))