Fit maximum convex hull to interior of a set of points

守給你的承諾、 提交于 2021-02-07 09:46:51


I'd like to find the largest convex hull which fits in the interior of a set of points. I have a set of points which are roughly circular, with a large number of outlier points outside of the circle I'd like to fit. Imagine a circle with "solar flares"... I want to fit the circle and completely ignore the flares. I've tried various fit and culling strategies, but they aren't working well.

I've searched quite a bit and not found a solution. Thanks in advance.


The notion you need may be alpha shapes. The convex hull is a sub-set of the alpha-shape for an extreme value for alpha. The alpha shape is fitting a set of point closer than the convex hull with some values for alpha.

Theory has been developed by Edelbrunner. This is a good start:

For computation, you must: compute delaunay triangulation and/or voronoi diagram, then select points that observe one condition.

Example alpha shape:

enter image description here

This is in fact a concave hull, and it may disregard outliers.

