Request timeout in Gatling

不打扰是莪最后的温柔 提交于 2021-02-07 06:45:06


I am using maven to run my Gatling (Scala) performance test.

It gives me request timeout issue when I increase user from 100 to 150.

If I set the number of user to 300, then I get following error in simulation log.

// Gatling scenario injection
val scn =  scenario("UATEnvironmentTest")

setUp(scn.inject(nothingFor(5 seconds),atOnceUsers(50),rampUsers(250) over(10 seconds))).protocols(httpProtocol)  

Error :- j.u.c.TimeoutException: Read timeout to /IP:80 after 120000 ms GROUP Failed to build request Request_1: No attribute named 'auth_token' is defined

Following is the configuration:

//Maven configuration-pom.xml
java.version 1.8
gatling.version 2.2.3
gatling-plugin.version 2.2.1
scala-maven-plugin.version 3.2.2
// Gatling.conf file
connectTimeout 120000                         
handshakeTimeout 120000                       
pooledConnectionIdleTimeout 120000                  
readTimeout 120000                             
requestTimeout 120000                


For your particular case, the error is what already mentioned by @user666 in the comment section, but if you wanted to increase the request time out of Gatling Scripts, so that the connection stays:

  1. Edit the Gatling.conf file
  2. Uncomment the requestTimeout line
  3. Provide the time in milliseconds you wanted your connection to be kept alive

