Get all list of UIViewControllers in iOS Swift

爷,独闯天下 提交于 2021-02-07 06:44:06


Is there any way to fetch all UIViewControllers in iOS Swift Project. I want to get array of all the UIViewControllers and check whether particular UIViewController exists or not.I have to just find the particular UIViewController exists or not in project.


You can do it with below code.

let appDelegate = UIApplication.sharedApplication().delegate as! AppDelegate

if let viewControllers = appDelegate.window?.rootViewController?.presentedViewController
    // Array of all viewcontroller even after presented
else if let viewControllers = appDelegate.window?.rootViewController?.childViewControllers
    // Array of all viewcontroller after push                            

Swift 4.2 ( XCode 10 )

let appDelegate = UIApplication.shared.delegate as! AppDelegate

if (appDelegate.window?.rootViewController?.presentedViewController) != nil
    // Array of all viewcontroller even after presented
else if (appDelegate.window?.rootViewController?.children) != nil
    // Array of all viewcontroller after push


Here is an extension I made on the basis of prev answers

Uses Generics + Extension (🔸Swift 5.1)

 * - Returns: ViewController of a class Kind
 * ## Examples: 
 * CustomViewController.self) // ref to an instance of CustomViewController
 public static func vc<T: UIViewController>(vcKind: T.Type? = nil) -> T? {
     guard let appDelegate = UIApplication.shared.delegate, let window = appDelegate.window else { return nil }
     if let vc = window?.rootViewController as? T {
         return vc
     } else if let vc = window?.rootViewController?.presentedViewController as? T {
         return vc
     } else if let vc = window?.rootViewController?.children {
         return vc.lazy.compactMap { $0 as? T }.first
     return nil

