Unable to use Eclipse's Scrapbook inside an Android project

天涯浪子 提交于 2021-02-07 02:36:36


It is okay when I create a Scrapbook inside a normal Eclipse Java project, but when I create a Scrapbook inside an Android project, and enter a simple code like


It said "Unable to launch the Scrapbook VM"

As this method does not involve any Android library, why this does not work?


I ran into this problem today and i'm afraid that there is no way to run a scrapbook into an Android project, since i can't find a solution anywhere (and i've been looking for it for some hour).

I even tried to change the Runtime JRE for the scrapbook (right-click on scrapbook file -> properties -> Scrapbook Runtime -> "Runtime JRE") since default JRE reports "Project JRE(undefined)". Nothing changed.

I'm writing this because i hope to save time to some other person.


You don't need to create new scrapbook page in android projects. Use Display view instead "in a scrapbook type fashion". source: http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/library/os-ecbug/

