I'm having issues dealing with the single quote while using it in a prepared statement in JAVA via Oracle JDBC.
Let's say we have a table Restaurant with a column restaurant_name with 1 value : Jack's Deli
I want to use a simple prepared statement query like this:
String result = "Jack\'\'s Deli"
String sqlStatement = "select * from Restaurant where restauraunt_name like ? escape '\\' ";
PreparedStatement pStmt = conn.prepareStatement(sqlStatement);
pstmt.setString(1, result);
The result shows 0 returned values, however when I directly search the query in the database (ORACLE) it works fine and retrieves the result. (Oracle uses two single quotes as an escape for the first)
I am thinking that the value is not being passed properly to the database. Or there is some other formatting issue.
The point of prepared statements is that you don't need any escaping.
.setString(1, "Jack's Deli")
will get it done.