I need to install MinGW GCC 7.3 on my computer for a project. Downloaded and installed: C:\MinGW\bin\MingGW-get.exe. But when I run it, it only gives me the option to install the latest GCC v9.2.0. How do I download and install GCC v7.3 on my computer? Step-by-step directions appreciated.
Unless you specifically want the mingw.org toolchain, check out https://sourceforge.net/projects/mingw-w64/files/Toolchains%20targetting%20Win64/. Currently there's v8.1.0, v7.3.0, v6.4.0 and v5.4.0. Other versions are available elsewhere.
Of you need to support an older C/C++ standard the -std=
compiler flag may already help (e.g. -std=c99
for ISO 1999 C or -std=c++98
for ISO 1998 C++).
Note that GCC 7.3 is not the latest version of GCC 7. The latest GCC 7 release is version 7.5.0. You can the Windows (MinGW-w64) version from: http://winlibs.com/
The online installer tool (first option on the page) allows you to do so.