My code runs, however, if i change the order of the equations defined in my formula my graphs changes as well. Can somebody tell me why this is? Now i do not know what the right graph is from this system.
def myFunction(r,t):
g = 9.81
L_L = 20 #draught
L_r = 20 #draught
L_d = 4 #ukc
u_s = 0.08
w_d = 60 #width vessel
rho = 1030
b_R = 1.0
b_L = 1.0
b_D = 1.0
A_s = 340*L_L
M_s = 40000*10^3
w_L = r[0]
w_r = r[1]
u_1 = r[2]
u_2 = r[3]
u_3 = r[4]
u_4 = r[5]
u_d = r[6]
p_1 = r[7]
p_2 = r[8]
p_3 = r[9]
p_4 = r[10]
deltap_L = r[11]
deltap_R = r[12]
u_1 = (L_L*u_s + w_L*u_2)/w_L
u_2 = (w_d*u_d)/w_L
u_d = (w_r*u_3)/w_d
u_3 = (w_L*u_2)/w_r
u_4 = (L_r*u_s + w_r*u_3)/w_r
dwLdt = u_s
dwrdt = - u_s
du1dt = - g*((p_2-p_1)/L_L + deltap_L/L_L) - b_L*u_1
du2dt = - g*((p_2-p_1)/L_L - deltap_L/L_L) - b_L*u_2
du3dt = - g*((p_4-p_3)/L_r + deltap_R/L_r) - b_R*u_3
du4dt = - g*((p_4-p_3)/L_r - deltap_R/L_r) - b_R*u_4
duddt = - g*((p_3-p_2)/L_d) - b_D *u_d
dp1dt = - u_1
dp2dt = - u_1
dp3dt = + u_4
dp4dt = + u_4
ddeltap_Ldt = -u_1
ddeltap_Rdt = u_4
#M_s = (g*rho*A_s*((p_1+p_2)/2 + deltap_L/6 - (p_3+p_4)/2 - deltap_R/6))/u_s
return (dwLdt, dwrdt, du1dt, du2dt, du3dt, du4dt, duddt, dp1dt, dp2dt, dp3dt, dp4dt, ddeltap_Ldt, ddeltap_Rdt)
r0 = [10,10,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]
t = np.linspace(0,20,10000)
r = odeint(myFunction, r0, t)
w_L = r[:,0]
w_r = r[:,1]
u1 = r[:,2]
u2 = r[:,3]
u3 = r[:,4]
u4 = r[:,5]
ud = r[:,6]
p_1 = r[:,7]
p_2 = r[:,8]
p_3 = r[:,9]
p_4 = r[:,10]
deltap_L = r[:,11]
deltap_R = r[:,12]
plt.plot(t, u1)
plt.plot(t, u2)
plt.plot(t, u3)
plt.plot(t, u4)
plt.plot(t, ud)
plt.legend(('$u_1$', '$u_2$', '$u_3$', '$u_4$', '$u_d$'))
plt.xlabel('Time ($s$)')
plt.ylabel('Fluid velocity ($m/s$)')
graph first code
if the equations in the code are in this order:
dwLdt = u_s
dwrdt = - u_s
du1dt = - g*((p_2-p_1)/L_L + deltap_L/L_L) - b_L*u_1
du2dt = - g*((p_2-p_1)/L_L - deltap_L/L_L) - b_L*u_2
du3dt = - g*((p_4-p_3)/L_r + deltap_R/L_r) - b_R*u_3
du4dt = - g*((p_4-p_3)/L_r - deltap_R/L_r) - b_R*u_4
duddt = - g*((p_3-p_2)/L_d) - b_D *u_d
u_1 = (L_L*u_s + w_L*u_2)/w_L
u_2 = (w_d*u_d)/w_L
u_d = (w_r*u_3)/w_d
u_3 = (w_L*u_2)/w_r
u_4 = (L_r*u_s + w_r*u_3)/w_r
dp1dt = - u_1
dp2dt = - u_1
dp3dt = + u_4
dp4dt = + u_4
ddeltap_Ldt = -u_1
ddeltap_Rdt = u_4
#M_s = (g*rho*A_s*((p_1+p_2)/2 + deltap_L/6 - (p_3+p_4)/2 - deltap_R/6))/u_s
the graph is like this:
graph second mode
Why is this the case?
The code is now:
def myFunction(r,t):
g = 9.81
L_L = 20 #draught
L_r = 20 #draught
L_d = 4 #ukc
u_s = 0.08
w_d = 60 #width vessel
rho = 1025
b_R = 1.0
b_L = 1.0
b_D = 1.0
A_s = 340*L_L
M_s = 40000*10^6
w_L = r[0]
w_r = r[1]
u_1 = r[2]
u_2 = r[3]
u_3 = r[4]
u_4 = r[5]
u_d = r[6]
p_1 = r[7]
p_2 = r[8]
p_3 = r[9]
p_4 = r[10]
deltap_L = r[11]
deltap_R = r[12]
u_1 = (L_L*u_s + w_L*u_2)/w_L
u_2 = (w_d*u_d)/w_L
u_3 = (w_L*u_2)/w_r
u_4 = (L_r*u_s + w_r*u_3)/w_r
u_d = (w_r*u_3)/w_d
du1dt = - g*((p_2-p_1)/L_L + deltap_L/L_L) - b_L*u_1
du2dt = - g*((p_2-p_1)/L_L - deltap_L/L_L) - b_L*u_2
du3dt = - g*((p_4-p_3)/L_r - deltap_R/L_r) - b_R*u_3
du4dt = - g*((p_4-p_3)/L_r + deltap_R/L_r) - b_R*u_4
duddt = - g*((p_3-p_2)/L_d) - b_D *u_d
dp1dt = - u_1
dp2dt = - u_1
dp3dt = + u_4
dp4dt = + u_4
ddeltap_Ldt = - u_1
ddeltap_Rdt = u_4
dwLdt = u_s
dwrdt = - u_s
deltap_R = 6*(((p_1+p_2)/2) + (deltap_L/6) - ((p_3+p_4)/2))
return (dwLdt, dwrdt, du1dt, du2dt, du3dt, du4dt, duddt, dp1dt, dp2dt, dp3dt, dp4dt, ddeltap_Ldt, ddeltap_Rdt)
r0 = [10,10,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]
t = np.linspace(0,125,100000)
r = odeint(myFunction, r0, t)
wL = r[:,0]
wr = r[:,1]
u1 = r[:,2]
u2 = r[:,3]
u3 = r[:,4]
u4 = r[:,5]
ud = r[:,6]
p1 = r[:,7]
p2 = r[:,8]
p3 = r[:,9]
p4 = r[:,10]
deltapL = r[:,11]
deltapR = r[:,12]
In the second code snippet you are referring to e.g. u_1
before you assign it. The same goes for u_2 ... u_4. So whatever the values of those are before the assignments get used in the calculations for du1dt...duddt
In the code block
u_1 = (L_L*u_s + w_L*u_2)/w_L
u_2 = (w_d*u_d)/w_L
u_3 = (w_L*u_2)/w_r
u_4 = (L_r*u_s + w_r*u_3)/w_r
u_d = (w_r*u_3)/w_d
you change all the u
values. Of course it makes a difference in the function if you compute further values with the modified or unmodified u
The easiest thing to do is not to re-use these variable names. Change u
to v
on the left side and then check whether in uses further down you really wanted to use the modified v
value or the u
value. Your original code with that change would be
v_1 = (L_L*u_s + w_L*u_2)/w_L
v_2 = (w_d*u_d)/w_L
v_3 = (w_L*v_2)/w_r
v_4 = (L_r*u_s + w_r*v_3)/w_r
v_d = (w_r*v_3)/w_d
du1dt = - g*((p_2-p_1)/L_L + deltap_L/L_L) - b_L*v_1
du2dt = - g*((p_2-p_1)/L_L - deltap_L/L_L) - b_L*v_2
du3dt = - g*((p_4-p_3)/L_r - deltap_R/L_r) - b_R*v_3
du4dt = - g*((p_4-p_3)/L_r + deltap_R/L_r) - b_R*v_4
duddt = - g*((p_3-p_2)/L_d) - b_D *v_d
dp1dt = - v_1
dp2dt = - v_1
dp3dt = + v_4
dp4dt = + v_4
ddeltap_Ldt = - v_1
ddeltap_Rdt = v_4
Now any re-arrangement of the indicated type will cause an error that some variable used on some right side was not previously defined.