cfmail group attribute throws error

痞子三分冷 提交于 2021-02-05 09:38:19


I have a query which returns multiple results with just data in one column as different for a particular report number. I want to group the results for one report number and send an email to one person for all the action items. Below is my query

<cfquery name="qryCorrectiveDueDate" datasource="#application.config.DSN#">
    SELECT  FR.report_id,
    FROM    xyz_gir.dbo.xyz_flash_report AS FR,
            xyz_gir.dbo.xyz_investigation_report AS IR,
            xyz_gir.dbo.xyz_corrective_actions AS CA
    WHERE   FR.report_id = IR.report_id
    AND IR.investigation_id = CA.investigation_id
    AND DATEDIFF(day,CA.action_when,GETDATE()) > 1
    AND CA.action_complete_date IS NULL
    ORDER BY IR.investigation_id

The Result Set looks something like this:

report_id   report_number   investigation_id    action_who  action_who_email     action_what    action_when action_type action_complete_date
2   13-0002 2   Hans-Joerg Wolf Action 1    00:00.0 Repair  NULL
4   13-0004 3   Robert Michael  fghfgh  00:00.0 Repair  NULL
5   13-0005 4   Masoud Aghel    sdfsdfsdf   00:00.0 Repair  NULL
5   13-0005 4   Masoud Aghel    hhjghj  00:00.0 Repair  NULL

What i want to do is send one email to the action_who_email value for multiple lines with the same investigation id. If i use cfoutput group attribute this is the output:
Report ID: 2
Report Number:  13-0002
investigation id:   2
Action Who :Hans-Joerg Wolf
Action What: Action 1
Action When: 2013-04-26 00:00:00.0
Action type:Repair
Action Complete Date:
Report ID: 4
Report Number:  13-0004
 investigation id:  3
Action Who :Robert Michael
Action What: fghfgh
Action When: 2013-05-05 00:00:00.0
Action type:Repair
Action Complete Date:
Report ID: 5
Report Number:  13-0005
investigation id:   4
Action Who :Masoud Aghel
Action What: sdfsdfsdf
Action When: 2013-04-29 00:00:00.0
Action type:Repair
Action Complete Date: 

Report ID: 5
Report Number:  13-0005
investigation id:   4
Action Who :Masoud Aghel
Action What: hhjghj
Action When: 2013-04-29 00:00:00.0
Action type:Repair
Action Complete Date: 

And This is my cfoutput:

<cfoutput query="qryCorrectiveDueDate" group="investigation_id">

        Report ID: #report_id#</br>
        Report Number:  #report_number#</br>
        investigation id:   #investigation_id#</br>
            Action Who :#action_who#</br>
            Action What: #action_what#</br>
            Action When: #action_when#</br>
            Action type:#action_type#</br>
            Action Complete Date: #action_complete_date#</br></br>


But if i do the same thing with cfmail on the query and group it, that throws a javax.mail.MessagingException: Could not connect to SMTP host:, port: 25; error.

My CFMAIL code is as below

<cfmail query="qryCorrectiveDueDate" from="" to="#action_who_email#" group="#investigation_id#" subject="xyz">

<p>Due Dates for Corrective Actions for the Incident #report_number# have lapsed </p> 
<p>You are receiving this notification, as the Manager/Supervisor to implement the Corrective Actions </p> 
<p>Incident No: #report_number# </p> 
<p>Corrective Action: #action_what#</p> 
<p>Due Date: #action_when#</p> 


Please note that i am running Coldfusion locally with xampp, and although the mails dont get delivered, i can see them in the undelivered folder in coldfusion. The same file has other cfmail tags which do not throw the connection exception if this cfmail tag is commented out. I apologize if my question is very generic, but i either have to do this with coldfusion or i might have to write a function to treat my result set as a temp table. Its easier with coldfusion i believe, if i know how to make this work.


Now that you've removed the hash tags, your issue is likely a missing cfoutput tag in the email. Similar to the group attribute of the cfoutput tag, you need another cfoutput tag to loop through the grouped records.

Tested on CF8 locally.

<cfmail query="q" group="field">
        #field# - #field2#


I believe your actual problem is that you're using pound signs in the group attribute.

group="#investigation_id#" should be group="investigation_id"


This below answer is moot as the OP was misleading.

I think this is because you do not need cfoutput tags inside the cfmail tag. It's odd that it causes a mail error, though.


I would try using cfsavecontent then output the variable in the cfmail.

<cfsavecontent variable = "mailBody">
    <cfoutput query="qryCorrectiveDueDate" group="investigation_id">
            Report ID: #report_id#</br>
            Report Number:  #report_number#</br>
            investigation id:   #investigation_id#</br>
            Action Who :#action_who#</br>
            Action What: #action_what#</br>
            Action When: #action_when#</br>
            Action type:#action_type#</br>
            Action Complete Date: #action_complete_date#</br></br>

<cfmail ...>

