I read on several manuals and online sources that the running time of "simple string concatenation" is O(n^2)?
The algorithm is this: we take the first 2 strings, create a new string, copy the characters of the 2 original strings in the new string, and repeat this process over and over again until all strings are concatenated. We are not using StringBuilder or similar implementations: just a simple string concatenation.
I think the running time should be something like O(kn) where k = number of strings, n = total number of characters. You don't copy the same characters n times, but k times, so it should not be O(n^2). For example, if you have 2 strings, it's just O(n). Basically it's n + (n-x) + (n-y) + (n-z)... but k times, not n times.
Where am I wrong?
A precise problem statement is necessary here:
There are two metrics to consider: How much space is required and how much time is required. This note looks at the time requirements.
The concatenation operation is specified to only concatenate two of the strings at a time, with concatentation being performed with left association:
((k1 + k2) + k3) ...
There are two parameters that may be considered, and two ways of looking at the second parameter.
The first parameter is the total size (in characters) of the strings which are to be concatenated.
The second parameter is either the number of strings which are to be concatenated, or is the size of each of the strings which are to be concatenated.
Considering the first case:
n - Total size (in characters) of the strings to be concatenated.
k - Total number of strings to be concatenated.
The time the concatenation is roughly:
(n/k) * (k^2) / 2
Or, to within a constant factory:
n * k
Then, for a fixed 'k', the concatenation time is linear!
Considering instead the second case:
n - Total size of the strings
m - Size of each of the sub-strings
This corresponds to the prior case but with:
k = n / m
The prior estimate then becomes:
n * k = n * (n / m) = n^2 / m
That is, for a fixed 'm', the concatenation time is quadratic.
If you write some tests and look at the byte code you will see that StringBuilder
is used to implement concatenation. And sometimes it will pre-allocate the internal array to increase the efficiency to do so. That is clearly not O(n^2) complexity.
Here is the Java code.
public static void main(String[] args) {
String[] william = {
"To ", "be ", "or ", "not ", "to ", ", that", "is ", "the ",
String quote = "";
for (String word : william) {
quote += word;
Here is the byte code.
public static void main(java.lang.String[] args);
0 bipush 9
2 anewarray java.lang.String [16]
5 dup
6 iconst_0
7 ldc <String "To "> [18]
9 aastore
10 dup
11 iconst_1
12 ldc <String "be "> [20]
14 aastore
15 dup
16 iconst_2
17 ldc <String 0"or "> [22]
19 aastore
20 dup
21 iconst_3
22 ldc <String "not "> [24]
24 aastore
25 dup
26 iconst_4
27 ldc <String "to "> [26]
29 aastore
30 dup
31 iconst_5
32 ldc <String ", that"> [28]
34 aastore
35 dup
36 bipush 6
38 ldc <String "is "> [30]
40 aastore
41 dup
42 bipush 7
44 ldc <String "the "> [32]
46 aastore
47 dup
48 bipush 8
50 ldc <String "question."> [34]
52 aastore
53 astore_1 [william]
54 ldc <String ""> [36]
56 astore_2 [quote]
57 aload_1 [william]
58 dup
59 astore 6
61 arraylength
62 istore 5
64 iconst_0
65 istore 4
67 goto 98
70 aload 6
72 iload 4
74 aaload
75 astore_3 [word]
76 new java.lang.StringBuilder [38]
79 dup
80 aload_2 [quote]
81 invokestatic java.lang.String.valueOf(java.lang.Object) : java.lang.String [40]
84 invokespecial java.lang.StringBuilder(java.lang.String) [44]
87 aload_3 [word]
88 invokevirtual java.lang.StringBuilder.append(java.lang.String) : java.lang.StringBuilder [47]
91 invokevirtual java.lang.StringBuilder.toString() : java.lang.String [51]
94 astore_2 [quote]
95 iinc 4 1
98 iload 4
100 iload 5
102 if_icmplt 70