XAML binding against Auto-Implemented properties?

我只是一个虾纸丫 提交于 2021-02-04 21:05:55


Is it possible to using XAML data binding to a model with Auto-Implemented properties?

class ClassA
  // pseudo code.
  int Width { get; set{ NotifyPropertyChange("Width");} }

<textBox width="{Binding Path=Width,Mode=OneWay}"/>


Auto-properties don't have a half auto mode. It needs to either be an auto-property with nothing extra:

int Width { get; set; }

or a fully expanded property with a backing store that can have additional code added to it, like change notification:

int _width;
int Width
  get { return _width; }
    _width = value;

If you use auto-properties you can still bind to them but you're giving up change notification, so any changes you make to the property from code won't show up in the UI. In general any object being used for data binding should include change notification and so should not use auto-properties.


i interprete Autoproperty this way.

class ClassA
  int Width { get; set;}

Yes one-way binding to view is always possible.

Twoway binding require NotifyPropertyChange("propertyname"); only if you want that changes in one modell element cause automatic update of the gui or other observers.

There is tool that can autogeneretates INotifyPropertyChange implementation for you: notifypropertyweaver.


There is also a INotifyPropertyChange-Free altenative for two way binding described in code-magazine article "INotifyPropertyChanged Is Obsolete" using the free lib updatecontrols on codeplex


Your example is not a Auto-implemented property, in fact it will probably not compile.

To implement this you would need to either implement a full backing-store property or use aspects to implement the INotifyPropertyChanged so that you can keep your Auto property clean.


Yes you can use xaml binding with Auto properties. But as said, the property illustrated is not an Auto property.

