Find running minimum and Max in R

假装没事ソ 提交于 2021-02-04 08:28:04


I have a vector of stock prices throughout the day:

> head(bidStock)
[1,] 1179.754
[2,] 1178.000
[3,] 1178.438
[4,] 1178.367
[5,] 1178.830
[6,] 1178.830

I want to find two things. As I the algorithm goes through the day. I want it to find how far the current point is from the historical minimum and maxim throughout the day.

There is a function called 'mdd' in the 'stocks' package which finds the maximum draw down throughout the day (i.e. the lowest value which corresponds to a point being the farthest from the historical maximum of the day). However, I don't want just the lowest value, I want a vector. I have come up with the code below to do that. However, I need a way to do with how far a point is from the running historical minimum as well.

   for (i in 1: length(bidStock)){

Finally, typical price is calculated by (max(day) + min(day) + closing price)/3. Is there a way to make that work like a running average using running historical min and max throughout the day.

Thanks for your help in advance


You just need cummmin and cummax for cumulative minima and maxima, from which you can calculate how far off-minimum and maximum you are, and whatever permutations you like:

# in base R, as data.frame
df <- data.frame(price = bidStock, 
                 min = cummin(bidStock), 
                 max = cummax(bidStock))
df$off_min <- df$price - df$min
df$off_max <- df$price - df$max
df$typical_price <- (df$price + df$min + df$max) / 3    # using price for closing price

##      price      min      max off_min off_max typical_price
## 1 1179.754 1179.754 1179.754   0.000   0.000      1179.754
## 2 1178.000 1178.000 1179.754   0.000  -1.754      1178.585
## 3 1178.438 1178.000 1179.754   0.438  -1.316      1178.731
## 4 1178.367 1178.000 1179.754   0.367  -1.387      1178.707
## 5 1178.830 1178.000 1179.754   0.830  -0.924      1178.861
## 6 1178.830 1178.000 1179.754   0.830  -0.924      1178.861

# or in dplyr

data.frame(price = bidStock) %>% 
    mutate(min = cummin(bidStock), 
           max = cummax(bidStock), 
           off_min = price - min, 
           off_max = price - max,
           typical_price = (price + min + max) / 3)
##      price      min      max off_min off_max typical_price
## 1 1179.754 1179.754 1179.754   0.000   0.000      1179.754
## 2 1178.000 1178.000 1179.754   0.000  -1.754      1178.585
## 3 1178.438 1178.000 1179.754   0.438  -1.316      1178.731
## 4 1178.367 1178.000 1179.754   0.367  -1.387      1178.707
## 5 1178.830 1178.000 1179.754   0.830  -0.924      1178.861
## 6 1178.830 1178.000 1179.754   0.830  -0.924      1178.861

