I am trying to create a cylinder in 3D space. I get a start and endpoint in 3D and to place the vertices, I need to create 2 circles for the bottom and the top of the cylinder. I thought about making a vector u with coordinates (1,0,0) and calculate a direction vector dir = end - start. Now I make the cross product to get a vector w = u x dir: this way I am 90 degrees away from the dir vector with w. The problem is, how do I calculate the next position w' with an arbitrary angle between w and w'. I Read a lot about rotation matrix, and that i can rotate around X-Axis with something like:
Rx(angle) =
(1 0 0 )
(0 cos(angle) -sin(angle))
(0 sin(angle) cos(angle) )
but the direction can be something like (1.442, -3.22, 7.23). So it isn't always the x-axis but maybe I need to rotate for every new w' in every axis. And I don't know how to figure out what angle I need to calculate, how to calculate and which angle belongs to witch rotation matrix.
You need basis vectors for this (which can be encoded into transform matrix).
So let assume you got:
- 3D center points (x,y,z)
of your cylinder bases
- radius
To construct transform matrix you need
- origin position
- basis vectors
So you can exploit cross product to get parallel vectors:
O = p0;
Z = p1-p0;
Y = (1.0,0.0,0.0);
if (|dot(Y,Z)/|Z||>0.75) Y = (0.0,1.0,0.0); // this just make sure Z and Y are not parallel
X = cross(Y,Z);
Y = cross(Z,X);
X = r*X/|X|;
Y = r*Y/|Y|;
Now construct your 4x4 transform matrix M
or use the X,Y,Z,O
directly to compute the vertexes:
Where a = <0.0,2.0*PI>
is angle. XY
plane is parallel to bases and z is cylinder axis. To convert these (x,y,z)
to World coordinates use:
(x',y',z') = M * (x,y,z)
Which can be done natively in OpenGL by using M
as part of GL_MODELVIEW
or do this instead:
x' = O[0] + x*X[0] + y*Y[0] + z*Z[0];
y' = O[1] + x*X[1] + y*Y[1] + z*Z[1];
z' = O[2] + x*X[2] + y*Y[2] + z*Z[2];
Take a look at related QAs:
- my simple C++ glCircle3D
- Understanding 4x4 homogenous transform matrices