Is there a single python module for colored text output in idle, Powershell and terminal?

狂风中的少年 提交于 2021-01-29 20:59:37


I need a python module that prints a colored output text for input() and print() functions which works on idle, Powershell, and Linux consols.

I am just expecting few colors (no extra background features required) and the same functions should work equally on python idle, PowerShell, terminal, and cmd with full flexibility of code.


You can use 'clrprint' module which works for idle, terminal and PowerShell too

pip install clrprint

from clrprint import *
clrhelp() # print's available colors and usage

user_input = clrinput("input please: ",clr='r') # just like input() [color is red]
clrprint('your text',user_input,clr='green') # just like print() 

Take a look at for more info and screenshots.

