AMCharts chart not showing up in Wordpress

爱⌒轻易说出口 提交于 2021-01-29 20:02:35


I have created and XY 2 series chart using Amcharts, and have the WordPress plugin installed.

The chart shows load span values for construction spreader beams and is created using the following code

<div id="$CHART$" style="width: 100%; height: 400px;"></div>

and the JSON code

var chart = am4core.create("$CHART$", am4charts.XYChart); = [{
        "category": 0.5,
        "value1": 8,
        "value2": 6.7
    }, {
        "category": 1,
        "value1": 8,
        "value2": 6.7
    }, {
        "category": 1.5,
        "value1": 8,
        "value2": 6.7
    }, {
        "category": 2,
        "value1": 8,
        "value2": 6.7
    }, {
        "category": 2.5,
        "value1": 8,
        "value2": 5
    }, {
        "category": 3,
        "value1": 6.5,
        "value2": 3.7
    }, {
        "category": 3.5,
        "value1": 5,
        "value2": 2.9
    }, {
        "category": 4,
        "value1": 3.9,
        "value2": 2.3
    "xAxes": [{
        "type": "CategoryAxis",
        "id": "id-1",
        "title": {
            "type": "Label",
            "id": "span",
            "text": "Span in Metres"
        "dataFields": {
            "category": "category"
        "startLocation": 0.5,
        "endLocation": 0.5,
        "renderer": {
            "grid": {
                "template": {
                    "type": "Grid",
                    "location": 0.5
            "minGridDistance": 20
    "yAxes": [{
        "type": "ValueAxis",
        "id": "id-2",
        "title": {
            "type": "Label",
            "id": "swl",
            "text": "S.W.L in Tonnes",
            "propertyFields": {}
        "min": "0",
        "max": "10",
        "renderer": {
            "maxLabelPosition": 0.98
    "series": [{
        "type": "LineSeries",
        "name": "30° Sling To Vertical Angle",
        "xAxis": "id-1",
        "yAxis": "id-2",
        "baseAxis": "id-1",
        "dataFields": {
            "valueY": "value1",
            "categoryX": "category"
        "fillOpacity": 0.5,
        "strokeWidth": 2,
        "sequencedInterpolation": true,
        "sequencedInterpolationDelay": 100,
        "tooltipText": "{name}\n{categoryX}: {valueY}"
    }, {
        "type": "LineSeries",
        "name": "45° Sling To Vertical Angle",
        "xAxis": "id-1",
        "yAxis": "id-2",
        "dataFields": {
            "valueY": "value2",
            "categoryX": "category"
        "simplifiedProcessing": true,
        "calculatePercent": true,
        "fillOpacity": 0.5,
        "strokeWidth": 2,
        "sequencedInterpolation": true,
        "sequencedInterpolationDelay": 100,
        "tooltipText": "{name}\n{categoryX}: {valueY}"
    "legend": {
        "type": "Legend",
        "setStateOnChildren": true,
        "showOnInit": true,
        "visible": true,
        "disabled": false,
        "dataFields": {},
        "position": "top"
    "cursor": {
        "type": "XYCursor",
        "tooltipPosition": "fixed"
    "dataFields": {},
    "colors": {
        "type": "ColorSet",
        "wrap": false,
        "shuffle": false,
        "reuse": false,
        "baseColor": "#6b7894"

which in the amcharts editor produces a nice interactive chart, but on the WordPress page is just a blank 400px high rectangle./ I have checked the sources and seem to be OK.

the URL is

and the chart is supposed to appear under the heading "Load Span Data" Here also is a screenshot, does anyone know why the chart is not showing up? Thanks


This is full working code:

var chart = am4core.createFromConfig({
   "data" : [{
        "category": 0.5,
        "value1": 8,
        "value2": 6.7
    }, {
        "category": 1,
        "value1": 8,
        "value2": 6.7
    }, {
        "category": 1.5,
        "value1": 8,
        "value2": 6.7
    }, {
        "category": 2,
        "value1": 8,
        "value2": 6.7
    }, {
        "category": 2.5,
        "value1": 8,
        "value2": 5
    }, {
        "category": 3,
        "value1": 6.5,
        "value2": 3.7
    }, {
        "category": 3.5,
        "value1": 5,
        "value2": 2.9
    }, {
        "category": 4,
        "value1": 3.9,
        "value2": 2.3
    "xAxes": [{
        "type": "CategoryAxis",
        "id": "id-1",
        "title": {
            "type": "Label",
            "id": "span",
            "text": "Span in Metres"
        "dataFields": {
            "category": "category"
        "startLocation": 0.5,
        "endLocation": 0.5,
        "renderer": {
            "grid": {
                "template": {
                    "type": "Grid",
                    "location": 0.5
            "minGridDistance": 20
    "yAxes": [{
        "type": "ValueAxis",
        "id": "id-2",
        "title": {
            "type": "Label",
            "id": "swl",
            "text": "S.W.L in Tonnes",
            "propertyFields": {}
        "min": "0",
        "max": "10",
        "renderer": {
            "maxLabelPosition": 0.98
    "series": [{
        "type": "LineSeries",
        "name": "30° Sling To Vertical Angle",
        "xAxis": "id-1",
        "yAxis": "id-2",
        "baseAxis": "id-1",
        "dataFields": {
            "valueY": "value1",
            "categoryX": "category"
        "fillOpacity": 0.5,
        "strokeWidth": 2,
        "sequencedInterpolation": true,
        "sequencedInterpolationDelay": 100,
        "tooltipText": "{name}\n{categoryX}: {valueY}"
    }, {
        "type": "LineSeries",
        "name": "45° Sling To Vertical Angle",
        "xAxis": "id-1",
        "yAxis": "id-2",
        "dataFields": {
            "valueY": "value2",
            "categoryX": "category"
        "simplifiedProcessing": true,
        "calculatePercent": true,
        "fillOpacity": 0.5,
        "strokeWidth": 2,
        "sequencedInterpolation": true,
        "sequencedInterpolationDelay": 100,
        "tooltipText": "{name}\n{categoryX}: {valueY}"
    "legend": {
        "type": "Legend",
        "setStateOnChildren": true,
        "showOnInit": true,
        "visible": true,
        "disabled": false,
        "dataFields": {},
        "position": "top"
    "cursor": {
        "type": "XYCursor",
        "tooltipPosition": "fixed"
    "dataFields": {},
    "colors": {
        "type": "ColorSet",
        "wrap": false,
        "shuffle": false,
        "reuse": false,
        "baseColor": "#6b7894"

}, "$CHART$", am4charts.XYChart);

Live sample:

