Missing required parameter for route although parameter is passed in view

筅森魡賤 提交于 2021-01-29 19:12:03


I got error like this:

Missing required parameters for [Route: resumenes.show] [URI: resumenes/{resumen}]. (View: .../resources/views/resumenes/index.blade.php)


public function index()
    $resumenes = Resumene::orderBy('title','ASC')->paginate();
    return view('resumenes.index', compact('resumenes') );

public function show(Resumene $resumen)

    return view('resumenes.show', [
        'resumen'=> $resumen


 Route::get('/resumenes/{resumen}', 'ResumeneController@show')->name('resumenes.show');

INDEX.BLADE.PHP In this view is where it shows me an error

 Mis Resumenes

<h1>Mis Resumenes</h1>


<a href="{{ route('resumenes.create') }}">Nuevo Resumen</a>
    @forelse($resumenes as $resumen)
    <h2>{{ $resumen->title }}</h2>
            **<li><a href="{{ route('resumenes.show', $resumen) }}" ><button>Ir</button></a>** 
            <br> Creado hace {{ $resumen->created_at->diffForHumans() }} </li>
            <li>No hay proyectos existentes</li>
{{ $resumenes->links() }}

The error supposed to be in

   <li><a href="{{ route('resumenes.show', $resumen) }}" ><button>Ir</button></a>


Looking at code you provided everything seems to be fine.

You should try:

php artisan view:clear

to make sure old view is not used.

If it won't help, you should run:

php artisan route:list

to make sure url for this route really looks like /resumenes/{resumen} because route definittion might be a more complex (using route grouping) so the full url might look like this: /something/{something}/resumenes/{resumen}

