I want to update connection string into xml file whenever new customer is registered with the website with its details in asp.net core 3.1
My connection string format is
<add name="myConnectionString1" connectionString="server=localhost;database=myDb1;uid=myUser1;password=myPass;" />
<add name="myConnectionString2" connectionString="server=localhost;database=myDb2;uid=myUser2;password=myPass;" />
I want to achieve this using c# code so on registration this data will automatically updated in xml file
Off the top of my head:
You can edit your existing XML as follows.
// Loads XML from file.
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
// Get a list of all <ConnectionStrings> nodes.
XmlNodeList nodes = doc.SelectNodes("/ConnectionStrings");
// Loop through each found node.
foreach (XmlNode node in nodes)
// Search for the 'connectionString' attribute into the node.
XmlAttribute attrib = node.Attributes["connectionString"];
if (attrib != null)
// If the attribute could be found then you might want to get its value.
string currentValue = attrib.Value;
// Or do some stuff with the value. E.g: Set a new value based on the old one.
attrib.Value = currentValue + "your modification here";
// Finally you might want to save the document in other location.
EDIT: As per requested you can add a new connection string element to your connection strings section as follows. (Not tested. It could require some adjustments)
using System.Configuration;
// Create a connection string element and add it to
// the connection strings section.
private bool CreateConnString(string name, string connString, string uId, string password)
// Get the application configuration file.
System.Configuration.Configuration config =
// Get the current connection strings count.
int connStrCnt =
// Create a connection string element and
// save it to the configuration file.
// In your case 'connString' parameter should be
// something like "server=localhost;database=myDb1;"
ConnectionStringSettings csSettings =
new ConnectionStringSettings(name, connString +
"uid=" + uId + ";password=" + password + ";");
// Get the connection strings section.
ConnectionStringsSection csSection =
// Add the new element.
// Save the configuration file.
return true;
catch (Exception e)
return false;