I am trying to display MxxDialogViewController from a popover and am getting an exception
18.35 Request is null - assuming this is a TabBar type situation where ViewDidLoad is called during construction... patching the request now - but watch out for problems with virtual calls during construction
while calling base.ViewDidLoad()
here is what I did to demonstrate the problem as a small sample:
I took N-23 example and added to the first section a new element with the Tapped command
new StringElement("test Popover", Tapped),
here is Tapped(), as a test I am trying to display the same FirstView in a popover.
private void Tapped()
var dvc = new FirstView();
var nc = new UINavigationController(dvc);
_ardlViewPopover = new UIPopoverController(nc);
_ardlViewPopover.PresentFromRect(this.View.Frame, this.View, UIPopoverArrowDirection.Any, true);
Should MvxDialogViewController work inside of a popover controller?
Thank you
The error message is Request is null
Try setting the Request
property for the FirstView
- e.g. if there are no parameters then use:
var dvc = new FirstView();
dvc.Request = MvxViewModelRequest<FirstViewModel>.GetDefaultRequest();