I'm trying to understand the difference between the extension method, DescendantsnNodes and the method, "Nodes" of the class XDocument.
I can see that the DescendantsNodes should return all descendants of this document or element and Nodes should return all child nodes of this document or element.
I don't understand what's the difference between "all child nodes" and "all descendants".
could someone please clarify this?
A child node would be a node which is directly "underneath" a certain node (parent). A descendant would be a node which is "underneath" the same node, but it could also be a number of levels "underneath" the child node.
A child node will be a descendant, but a descendant won't always be a child node.
Eg: <Parent><Child1 /><Child2><AnotherNode /></Child2></Parent>
--> Child1 (Descendant)
--> Child2 (Descendant)
--> AnotherNode (Descendant, not child)
It might be easier to visualise with a small code sample:
string someXML = "<Root><Child1>Test</Child1><Child2><GrandChild></GrandChild></Child2></Root>";
var xml = XDocument.Parse(someXML);
Console.WriteLine ("XML:");
Console.WriteLine (xml);
Console.WriteLine ("\nNodes();\n");
foreach (XNode node in xml.Descendants("Root").Nodes())
Console.WriteLine ("Child Node:");
Console.WriteLine (node);
Console.WriteLine ("");
Console.WriteLine ("DescendantNodes();\n");
foreach (XNode node in xml.Descendants("Root").DescendantNodes())
Console.WriteLine ("Descendent Node:");
Console.WriteLine (node);
Console.WriteLine ("");
Child Node:
Child Node:
Descendent Node:
Descendent Node:
Descendent Node:
Descendent Node:
the root
element node has one child node, a child
element node, but three descendant nodes, namely the child
element node, the grandchild
element node and the foo
text node.