QML: how to register user custom shortcut

▼魔方 西西 提交于 2021-01-29 16:40:02


I'm currently learning Qt by developing a simple desktop app with Python and QML. The document about Pyside2 with QML is surprisingly insufficient.

Anyway, now I'm struggling with user custom shortcut key registering.

Some app have a text field in which you can press a key combination and that combination will show in the text field. something like this image

According to the official document, there's a QKeySequenceEdit in C++.

Is there any way to do this in QML? Or at least in Pyside2?

Or maybe QML is not a good choice for GUI from beginning?


strange characters using @folibis's answer

Ctrl+d`, Ctrl+c, Ctrl+v left to right.

update 2 I ended up with code below based on @folibis's answer:

var keyModifiers = [
    {"name": "Ctrl", "code": Qt.ControlModifier},
    {"name": "Shift", "code": Qt.ShiftModifier},
    {"name": "Alt", "code": Qt.AltModifier},
    {"name": "Meta", "code": Qt.MetaModifier},
    // {"name": "Keypad", "code": Qt.KeypadModifier},
    {"name": "GroupSwitch", "code": Qt.GroupSwitchModifier}    
var numpadKeycodes = [
    {"name": "Del", "code": Qt.Key_Period},
    {"name": "+", "code": Qt.Key_Plus},
    {"name": "*", "code": Qt.Key_Asterisk},
    {"name": "-", "code": Qt.Key_Minus},
    {"name": "/", "code": Qt.Key_Slash},
    {"name": "0", "code": Qt.Key_0},
    {"name": "1", "code": Qt.Key_1},
var keycodes = [
    {"name": "/", "code": Qt.Key_Question}, // ?
    {"name": "2", "code": Qt.Key_At}, // @
    {"name": "A", "code": Qt.Key_A},
    {"name": "B", "code": Qt.Key_B},
    {"name": "C", "code": Qt.Key_C},

TextField {
    id: txt
    readOnly: true

    Keys.onPressed: {
        var str = "";
        var text;
        keyModifiers.forEach(modifier => {
            if(event.modifiers & modifier.code) {
                str += `${modifier.name} + `;
        // Numpad keys
        if (event.modifiers & Qt.KeypadModifier) {
            str += "Num "
            text = numpadKeycodes.some(keycode => {
                if (keycode.code === event.key) {
                    str += keycode.name;
                    return keycode.name
        } else {
            text = keycodes.some(keycode => {
                if (keycode.code === event.key) {
                    str += keycode.name;
                    return keycode.name
        if (str === "" && !text) {
            str = "None"
        txt.text = str;
    Keys.onReleased: {
        if (txt.text.endsWith(" ")) {
            txt.text = "None"

Job's done but too much code... If there's a better way, please let me know.


The beauty of QML is that you can easy do whatever you want. As for your issue you can implement something like the following:

TextField {
    id: txt
    readOnly: true
    anchors.centerIn: parent
    Keys.onPressed: {
        var str = '';
        var arr = {
            'Shift': Qt.ShiftModifier,
            'Ctrl': Qt.ControlModifier,
            'Alt': Qt.AltModifier,
            'Meta': Qt.MetaModifier,
            'Keypad': Qt.KeypadModifier,
            'GroupSwitch': Qt.GroupSwitchModifier };

        for(var key in arr) {
            var value = arr[key];
            if(event.modifiers & value) {
                str += (str === '' ? '' : '-') + key;
        if(event.text !== '')
            str += (str === '' ? '' : '-') + event.text;
        txt.text = str;

