Below is the CURL command which gives the status running in RUNDECK
url = "curl -kv https://vn2-lpgdmt-capp99.rno.vzon.com:8990/health/check"
My Code is as follows:
Headers={ i have defined here }
response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers, data = payload,verify=False)
status = response.status_code
response_val = response.json()
response_val = json.dumps(response_val)
if status != 200 :
print('********Error in Response***********')
print('Status :'+ str(status))
print('********Please check for Rundeck Options,URL*********')
for pattern in part:
if re.search(pattern, response_val):
print('Data Found for ServerNo :'+ pattern)
print('No Data Found for ServerNo :'+ pattern)
i want to give multiple curl commands and check status of all those servers , if status is 200 ok then send msg saying Heartbeat Good, if not Hearbeat is Dead" Error
kindly help
You can generate a data value in the first step (on bash) and pick it up on the second step (on python), I leave a job definition example:
<options preserveOrder='true'>
<option name='node' value='myhost' />
<plugins />
<sequence keepgoing='false' strategy='node-first'>
<description>get the code and save it on data variable</description>
<LogFilter type='key-value-data'>
<script><![CDATA[response=$(curl --write-out %{http_code} --silent --output /dev/null http://@option.node@:4440)
echo "CODE=$response"]]></script>
<scriptargs />
<description>your python 3 logic</description>
<script><![CDATA[# get the data value
print("The code is: " + str(@data.CODE@))
# and you can do anything with @job.threadcount@
if (@data.CODE@ == 302):
print ("Server OK")
print ("Check the instance")]]></script>
<scriptargs />
Another way is to leave all processes to your python script through urllib, take a look at this.
You can check a good data passing explanation here.