Hi I have a azure vm on which I want to configure port forwarding so that I can redirect traffic to 1100 port, I have created a public loadbalancer and in NAT rule I have configured the ports, but seems that I cant RDP onto the VM using my port 1100, can anyone suggest me some documents where I can get this thing done?
Or point me in the right direction?
As I understand, you want to RDP your Azure VM through the front port 1100 of Load Balancer.
So you need to add your VM into the Backend pools of Load Balancer, and then create NAT rule to forward the traffic to your VM through port 1100 exposed to the internet.
The NAT rule setting panel will like this:
You can select your VM at which I frame up with the red pen if you added it to the Load Balancer backend pools. And you can set port as 1100 and target port as 3389 which RDP really used. When it's OK. You can connect your Azure VM through port 1100.
You can get more details with the document Create inbound NAT rules.