Can't convert object of type java.lang.String to type models.firebase.FirebaseTripDataHolder

天大地大妈咪最大 提交于 2021-01-29 13:42:46


I am trying to get value of every node and its subnodes in the following heirarchy on firebase database. So, I had built the following object Model as a First Approch:

public class FirebaseTripDataHolder {
String currentStatus,distanceLengthStr, driverId, durationStr, fareEstimate ;

public FirebaseTripDataHolder() {

public FirebaseTripDataHolder(String key, String tripStatus, String distanceSTR, String driverIDStr, String durationStr, String fareEstimate) {

public String getCurrentStatus() {
    return currentStatus;

public void setCurrentStatus(String currentStatus) {
    this.currentStatus = currentStatus;

public String getDistanceLengthStr() {
    return distanceLengthStr;

public void setDistanceLengthStr(String distanceLengthStr) {
    this.distanceLengthStr = distanceLengthStr;

public String getDriverId() {
    return driverId;

public void setDriverId(String driverId) {
    this.driverId = driverId;

public String getDurationStr() {
    return durationStr;

public void setDurationStr(String durationStr) {
    this.durationStr = durationStr;

public String getFareEstimate() {
    return fareEstimate;

public void setFareEstimate(String fareEstimate) {
    this.fareEstimate = fareEstimate;

Then, i made a for loop to get childrens of the DataSnapshot like the following snippet of code :

for (DataSnapshot ds : dataSnapshot.getChildren()) {
     FirebaseTripDataHolder tripDataHolder= ds.getValue(FirebaseTripDataHolder.class);
     TripStatus= tripDataHolder.getCurrentStatus();

However, the following line had returned an exception Can't convert object of type java.lang.String to type models.firebase.FirebaseTripDataHolder

I tried to make some research on stackoverflow, and i reached too many solutions like Alex Mamo's answer here, it looked the same problem, i tried both of his solutions and used the upcoming second Approach too :

for (DataSnapshot ds : dataSnapshot.getChildren()) {
     KEY = ds.getKey();
     TripStatus = ds.child("currentStatus").getValue(String.class);
     DistanceSTR = ds.child("distanceLengthStr").getValue(String.class);
     DriverIDStr = ds.child("driverId").getValue(String.class);
     DurationStr = ds.child("durationStr").getValue(String.class);
     FareEstimate = ds.child("fareEstimate").getValue(String.class);

But, in the second approach, dataSnapShot in OnDataChange method looked having data, but fileds are returning null values for each attribute. Also, i don't know how to complete my object to retrieve subnodes of my main DataSnapShot like : *customerCoordinates, customerInfo, distinationCoordinates * in the following image: enter image description here

May anyone help in that problem. Thanks

Update One(1) for more illustration, this is my json format coming from firebase in DataSnapShot key :

DataSnapshot { key = -Lv-5lEphq-F4TL1Q2_e, value = {distanceLength=12, customerCoordinates={address=Unnamed Road, lat=29.9774451, lng=31.2082394}, driverCoordinates={lat=29.977426, lng=31.212798}, fareEstimate=72, driverInfo={rate=5, name=driver29, deviceId=dYB0RihjjxY:APA91bFluyZ6iS0YDNKyY72TJl4Y9tx52MrVSwGKQkwJDuS9SVJ6XBlkpfCK1_bIIv675mY72cEr2en31qBPBzMOyaSE-zQHPBQJqdTDdkx-BZSyHZAeK5L1RBBrQRBuXPRsWiuJL2-h, mobile=01478529637}, durationStr=34 mins, distinationCoordinates={address=5 ش Ahmed Al Hasawi, lat=29.980184747972555, lng=31.25940430909395}, vehicleInfo={colorNames={ar=ازرق, en=Blue}, brandNames={ar=قيات, en=Fiat}, rideCategoryNames={ar=اقتصادي, en=Economy}, plateNo=789654, categoryNames={ar=تيبو, en=Tipo}, colorCode=#0000ff, typeNames={ar=موتوسكل, en=Bikes}}, currentStatus=Accept, customerInfo={name=mohamed, deviceId=eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpZCI6IkNVMTIxNjc4NzU2ODc3IiwiZW1haWwiOiJwcm9vZmVzc2VyQGdtYWlsLmNvbSIsInR5cGUiOiJDdXN0b21lciIsImlhdCI6MTU3NDEwMjE4MywiZXhwIjoxNTc2Njk0MTgzfQ.jqHNFmbLmOgS81y_vmpkVscsTDCrxBQiwfQPXuZLWTA, mobile=1097555350221}, driverId=DR472264941939, duration=34, distanceLengthStr=12.4 km} }

update two(2) when datasnapshot looks like DataSnapshot { key = currentStatus, value = Accept } inside for loop like that :

for (DataSnapshot ds : dataSnapshot.getChildren()) {
    TripStatus = ds.child("currentStatus").getValue(String.class); 

TripStatus equals null

Update Three(3)

my firebase Database reference is : tripsReference = FirebaseDatabase.getInstance("").getReference().child("trips").child(firebaseListenedTripID);

I am asking whether my Object is the suitable one, i needed to catch every node and subnode values in the trips node like i want to get the customer coordinates, customer information, and destinationCoordinates

update Four (4) my firebaseDatabase json format instead of the attached image:

  "drivers" : {
    "DR117419391945" : {
      ".priority" : "stq6f8rfgx",
      "g" : "stq6f8rfgx",
      "l" : [ 30.0165321, 31.4097233 ]
    "DR472264941939" : {
      ".priority" : "stq6fb27s5",
      "g" : "stq6fb27s5",
      "l" : [ 30.0166408, 31.4104284 ]
  "trips" : {
    "-Lv-BYEQPVDSV_AYAjPo" : {
      "currentStatus" : "Accept",
      "customerCoordinates" : {
        "address" : "Unnamed Road",
        "lat" : 29.9774637,
        "lng" : 31.2082546
      "customerInfo" : {
        "deviceId" : "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpZCI6IkNVMTIxNjc4NzU2ODc3IiwiZW1haWwiOiJwcm9vZmVzc2VyQGdtYWlsLmNvbSIsInR5cGUiOiJDdXN0b21lciIsImlhdCI6MTU3NDEwMjE4MywiZXhwIjoxNTc2Njk0MTgzfQ.jqHNFmbLmOgS81y_vmpkVscsTDCrxBQiwfQPXuZLWTA",
        "mobile" : "1097555350221",
        "name" : "mohamed"
      "distanceLength" : 12,
      "distanceLengthStr" : "12.4 km",
      "distinationCoordinates" : {
        "address" : "5 ش Ahmed Al Hasawi",
        "lat" : 29.980184747972555,
        "lng" : 31.25940430909395
      "driverCoordinates" : {
        "lat" : 29.977426,
        "lng" : 31.212798
      "driverId" : "DR472264941939",
      "driverInfo" : {
        "deviceId" : "dYB0RihjjxY:APA91bFluyZ6iS0YDNKyY72TJl4Y9tx52MrVSwGKQkwJDuS9SVJ6XBlkpfCK1_bIIv675mY72cEr2en31qBPBzMOyaSE-zQHPBQJqdTDdkx-BZSyHZAeK5L1RBBrQRBuXPRsWiuJL2-h",
        "mobile" : "01478529637",
        "name" : "driver29",
        "rate" : 5
      "duration" : 34,
      "durationStr" : "34 mins",
      "fareEstimate" : 72,
      "vehicleInfo" : {
        "brandNames" : {
          "ar" : "قيات",
          "en" : "Fiat"
        "categoryNames" : {
          "ar" : "تيبو",
          "en" : "Tipo"
        "colorCode" : "#0000ff",
        "colorNames" : {
          "ar" : "ازرق",
          "en" : "Blue"
        "plateNo" : "789654",
        "rideCategoryNames" : {
          "ar" : "اقتصادي",
          "en" : "Economy"
        "typeNames" : {
          "ar" : "موتوسكل",
          "en" : "Bikes"

Update Five (5) I had retreived all trips node and its subnodes in the dataSnapShot object, the problem is how to parse it to my FirebaseTripDataHolder object!?


Didn't find your query to FirebaseDatabase. Try using below code:

FirebaseDatabase database = FirebaseDatabase.getInstance();
database.getReference().child("trips").addListenerForSingleValueEvent(new ValueEventListener() {
    public void onDataChange(@NonNull DataSnapshot dataSnapshot) {
        for(DataSnapshot childSnapshot: dataSnapshot.getChildren()) {
            FirebaseTripDataHolder tripDataHolder = childSnapshot.getValue(FirebaseTripDataHolder.class);
            String TripStatus= tripDataHolder.getCurrentStatus();
            String DistanceSTR=tripDataHolder.getDistanceLengthStr();
            String DriverIDStr=tripDataHolder.getDriverId();
            String DurationStr=tripDataHolder.getDurationStr();
            long FareEstimate=tripDataHolder.getFareEstimate();

    public void onCancelled(@NonNull DatabaseError databaseError) {



public class FirebaseTripDataHolder {
    String currentStatus,distanceLengthStr, driverId, durationStr;
    long fareEstimate;

    public FirebaseTripDataHolder() {

    public FirebaseTripDataHolder(String key, String tripStatus, String distanceSTR, String driverIDStr, String durationStr, long fareEstimate) {

    public String getCurrentStatus() {
        return currentStatus;

    public void setCurrentStatus(String currentStatus) {
        this.currentStatus = currentStatus;

    public String getDistanceLengthStr() {
        return distanceLengthStr;

    public void setDistanceLengthStr(String distanceLengthStr) {
        this.distanceLengthStr = distanceLengthStr;

    public String getDriverId() {
        return driverId;

    public void setDriverId(String driverId) {
        this.driverId = driverId;

    public String getDurationStr() {
        return durationStr;

    public void setDurationStr(String durationStr) {
        this.durationStr = durationStr;

    public long getFareEstimate() {
        return fareEstimate;

    public void setFareEstimate(long fareEstimate) {
        this.fareEstimate = fareEstimate;

