This question should be easy if you are familiar with ClearQuest, unfortunately, it's an old tool and there is not much useful resources on the Internet. I only found one article helpful https://www.ibm.com/developerworks/cn/rational/r-cn-rcqoslccmrestapi/index.html
Here is I've already tired, I can get all defects that the state is Resolved
by this URL"Resolved"&rcm.type=Defect
But there are many different states in ClearQuest, such as Summitted, Closed, Checked
etc, so how to get all defects in the database, I don't want to try every URL in my code. Is there an another way to do this? Please help!
Try the below code. This finds the defects of a particular defect family though.
reference : https://jazz.net/forum/questions/147541/rational-clearquest-http-request-to-find-defects-that-have-been-updated-since-a-specific-time